“He’s right. You’ve been different these past few weeks.” Paisley gives me a soft smile, but I see the sadness in her eyes.
“I’m going to talk to him.” Jackson pushes back from the table. He looks pissed now.
“No.” I grab his hand. “I will not have my boyfriend, or whatever Luka is to me, bullied into wanting to spend time with me.” I can sense Jackson's desire to argue with me on this matter, but he retreats. “I appreciate you, though.” I want him to know that him trying to fill his big brother role is appreciated by me. I love him for caring so much.
I check my phone again. Still no responses. I call him. It rings twice but then stops. I glare at the phone, making sure I called the right number. Did he just give me the FU button? He totally sent me to voicemail. I call again. This time, it only rings once before stopping.
Now I’m pissed. If you can't make it, at least send me a text or answer my call. I have not once said a word about how it’s been here for me. I haven’t put any demands on him because I know how busy and important his work is. But ghosting me on a night that he knew was important to me is unacceptable.
“Is there anything we can do?” Paisley asked.
“Yes,” I say, standing up from the table. “I wanna go home.”
“Now that I can do.” My brother smiles while pulling out his phone. I know I’ll be back in Cottonwood before the night is over.
Where the fuck is my phone? I pull open some of the drawers on my desk. I never put it there, but where the hell else could it be? I know I brought it along. I checked it around lunch, wondering where June was.
She's been eating lunch with me every day this week. As disappointed as I was that she didn't come down today, I knew I had no leg to stand on to text and demand she come. I debated going up, but I decided not to. She’s been so excited about Paisley and her brother coming; I’m sure she is getting prepared for their visit.
I powered through lunch, and now I’m done with my work for today. The project is pretty much complete. Testing still needs to be done, but my part in it is nearing its end. They can handle that themselves. If they need something, they’ll have to figure it out. I’ve given and sacrificed all I’m worth. I’ve noticed the gradual fading of the light in June. This is wearing her down.
“Dana.” I hit the call button. “Have you seen my fucking phone?”
“You left it out here, sir. Can I bring it in?”
That doesn’t make fucking sense. I’ve never left my phone anywhere that wasn’t in my reach. “I’ll come and get it,” I respond.
I can’t help but try to retrace my steps today. There is no way I left my phone out there. I'm sure I had it around lunch. There was only one time that I left my office: when I’d gone upstairs to one of the boardrooms to meet with Yanetti. I know I didn’t take it with me. He was only here to drop something off. I wanted to collect it myself.
I pull up security footage and scroll back to when I left my office last. I watch myself exit and step onto the elevator. The second the door closes, Dana stands from her desk, going into my office. I grit my teeth. I informed Dana that she was no longer welcome in my office. I wanted to fire her, but I told June I wouldn’t.
There is no way for me to see what she did in my office. I don’t have a camera in there. This is especially important given the nature of my work. It’s even more critical considering June joins me for lunch. That normally ends with me eating her.
A few seconds later, I see Dana exiting my office. My phone is in her hand.
“The fuck!” I bark, pushing back from my desk. There's no reason for her to have my phone. I hit the other call button on my desk.
“Sir?” Owen says, answering.
“I need you down here. I’m firing Dana, and I want you present.” I don’t trust the bitch now. I should have pushed to fire her. If she made June feel a certain way, that said it all.
“I’m in my office. I’ll be right there.”
Owen's office is only a few doors down. It’s where he spends his days when he isn't with June or me. When I exit my office, Owen is walking up.
“Get your shit together. You’re fired.”
“What?” Dana’s eyes go wide.
“You heard me.” I grab my phone off her desk.
“Don’t.” I cut her off. “You’ll only make this worse. I’m already toying with the idea of making sure no one else will hire you, but I’m not sure June would be happy about that.”