I roll my eyes. “You’re good at masking your emotions, but I’ve seen those eyes wander a few times when we’ve been out.”
“I’m scoping out our surroundings.” I raise my eyebrow at him, letting him know I’m not buying what he’s selling.
“You were scoping out the waiter at the Italian place last week.” Owen's cheeks flush. “I knew you were into him. We can go back. He might be there tomorrow.” I wiggle my eyebrows.
“We can’t.”
“Right, because Luka is jealous. Shouldn’t I be jealous that he works with a hot blonde who clearly doesn’t like me?” I start unloading the bags to organize everything.
“She’s not hot,” Owen mutters, making me smile. I might have one friend around here, after all. Except Luka is trying to take him away from me. It really makes me mad.
It’s easy for Luka because he’s used to living without human interaction, but I’m not. He should understand that.
“What’s her deal anyway? I try to be nice to her, but she’s not having it. It takes everything in me to not snap back at her.”
“I don’t know her well.”
“Really? Haven’t you both been with Luka for years?”
“We have.”
“Ah, you don’t want to gossip.” I huff. “That blows. I love a good gossip session.”
“Don’t we all?” Owen mutters again. I'm pretty sure he mutters when he's saying something he believes he shouldn't.
“Come on. I got the extra clearance. I think that covers a little workplace gossip, don’t you?”
“Okay.” He cracks. That was easier than I thought it would be. I hide my smile, not wanting to scare him off now. “She can be possessive of him. They worked together even before I came along. Dana isn’t a fan of me either, so don’t take it personally. I don’t think she likes it when anyone has Mr. Woods' attention.”
I had a suspicion in the back of my mind, but I didn’t want to go there. The last thing I want is to be catty with a girl over of a man. This man is different, though. He’s mine.
"Do you think it’s a professional thing?" Could it be that she admires him, or is it something deeper? I already know what he’s going to say, but I try to give Dana the benefit of the doubt. Even though she doesn’t deserve it.
“It’s more.” He reluctantly admits it. “I don’t know if Mr. Woods is aware of it, in all fairness.” It wouldn’t surprise me if Luka is unaware of her attraction to him. It would kind of make sense. Even though that may be the case, it still doesn’t do anything to make me feel better.
“But they spend a lot of time together.” Hell, they might spend more than Luka and I do together. They for sure do if you cut out the time when we’re asleep.
I wonder why Luka never went for her. The two of them together make way more sense than Luka and me. I’m honestly not sure how we’ll ever work. I hate it here. This city is slowly chiseling away at me.
“Thanks for being truthful with me. It means a lot.”
I’m just not sure what, if anything, I should do with this information. It only makes me feel more alone.
Ishould be working, but instead I’m checking June’s location. She’s been back for a good twenty minutes now. I should call it a day. I’m in a shit mood and not getting anything done. I might as well go home. Being with June will give me time to recharge and take the edge off. I haven’t been spending enough time with her. I know it, but there’s not much I can do about it right now.
“Dana.” I call her after hitting the button for the intercom at her desk. “I’m going to be leaving soon. If you have anything I need to go over, bring it in.” This morning, I put a hold on my office door so no one could come in. Only June-related matters could disturb me. Everything and everyone else could fuck off. It had been Dana who was irritating me the most.
It was one thing after another she was bringing to me or needing to discuss. I don’t have time for stupid questions. Her job is to make my life easier. I don’t know what is going on with her, or maybe it’s me, and I’m more irritable than normal. Something has definitely shifted though since I’ve been back.
“I’ll be right there, sir.” Seconds later, my office door opens, and Dana comes strolling in. “Is everything okay? It’s only two o’clock.”
“Everything is fine. What do you have for me?” I hold my hand out for the folder in her hands.
"There are only a few things left to sign." She comes around my desk, placing the folder down without handing it to me. “Here.” She holds out a pen for me.