“Right.” I laugh. “Wait, where the hell are we?” Probably should have asked where we were going. I just assumed we were going to New York. The sun is only just rising so it’s hard to make out where we might be, but I know this isn’t New York.
“We’re in Washington, DC.”
“Oh.” I suppose it doesn’t matter.
"But yes, we'll be in the city. I picked DC because the home I own here also has a secure office for me in it as well.”
“Ohh,” I say playfully. “Is it like an underground secret office?”
“I wouldn't call it a secret. A lot of government officials also live in the building."
“Wait. It’s really underground?” That perks me up. I can’t help but be nosy. It's in my nature. “Can I see it?”
“I’m working on that.”
“You’re working on that?” I don’t know what that means. “I don’t have to see it. I was only teasing.” I don’t want him to do anything that might compromise his work because of my curiosity.
“But I will be spending a lot of time there. I’m looking into getting your clearance. I’ve made it one of my stipulations.”
“You really don’t have to do that.” The last thing I want to be is a nuisance. I understand the significance of his tasks. I’ve dealt with super secret stuff my entire life with my brother.
“We’ll see.” He runs his hand down his face; I can tell he’s tired.
“I know you can’t tell me some things. I’ll try not to be too nosy. Sometimes I can’t help myself.”
My brother was always tight-lipped about everything, especially that side of his life. Jackson went on crazy badass missions that he was prohibited from ever discussing with anyone. I’ve learned to deal with it, but that doesn’t mean I ever stopped worrying.
Luka shifts, turning to face me, his hand coming to my face to cup my cheek. “I want to tell you things.” His thumb drifts back and forth.
“It’s okay. I’ll understand if you can’t.” I turn my head to kiss his palm.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay here?”
“As long as I’m with you.”
My parents were okay with me leaving for a while. I knew they would be. They have both always worried that I haven’t let myself see enough of the world. I settled right in at Cottonwood with no plans of ever leaving. I’ve always been a girl who knew what she wanted.
Dad told me not to worry about anything. He would have it all handled. I’d also already hired a few new people to help. My dad has slowly begun to take a step back. I don’t think he’ll ever fully retire, but I know he wants to spend more time with my mom. It can be challenging to let go of the horses. They become a part of you.
“You’ll tell me if you need anything.”
“I can handle myself.” I can tell he’s worried about me. It’s sweet, but he has other things to focus on right now.
"But I also want to handle things for you."
“That goes both ways.”
"I'm not accustomed to living with someone."
“I get the feeling you’re a neat freak.”
“Maybe? Right.” I laugh. “I’ll try to clean up after myself. I can be messy.”
“I don’t care.”
“You say that now, but-—” He kisses me, cutting me off.