If they think I’m breaking bread with that stick in the ass, Luka, they have another thing coming. Since I met that man, he’s been driving me insane. Okay, I only met him once, but mentally he's been wreaking havoc on me. Now he’s going to be a part of my family. Just great.
Way to go and ruin our weekly Sunday family brunch by inviting him. I look forward to it every week. Especially now that my brother is home and my best friend Paisley always comes to help Mom cook. God knows, I sure as hell can’t. Still, I love eating it.
I pull an apple out and hand it to one of my horses. Marko is a rescue who is progressing nicely. I run my hand down his neck. I’m still the only one he lets near him, but in time we’ll get that to change.
"No being ornery today,” I tell him before giving him a kiss on the nose and moving on to the next stall. I’m killing time trying to appear busy. “Goldie, can you do me a solid and go into labor?” I give her an extra apple. After all, she's eating for two.
“I think it’s time to head in,” my mom calls. I slowly turn to see her standing at the open barn doors. She hardly ever comes out here. I’m guessing she came out to collect me because I can normally work my dad over. Dad has a weakness for Graysen women. It might be his only one.
“I’m busy.” I pat Goldie’s side. “She might go into labor. I need to stay around. Actually, I think I might bunk out here tonight.” It wouldn’t be the first time I crashed in the barn with the horses. I’ve been doing it since I was little. My parents used to worry that I spent more time with them than other people. Even in high school, I wasn’t one of the girls at the Friday night games or excited about prom. I’ve always felt at peace around animals.
“June bug.” My mom's tone changes, making me stand up straighter. A few of the horses dance on their hooves inside their stalls. We all know who is really in charge when push comes to shove. Mom lays down the law.
“Yes, Momma?” I try to feign innocence. Her hands go to her hips. I know I’m not going to win this one.
“Your brother and Paisley are already here. We need to plan a wedding,” she reminds me as if I don’t already know this. It’s all she’s talked about. My mom has been waiting for the day one of us would get married. I thought she would end up waiting forever. I’d never even seen my brother date before Paisley. I think he kind of skipped over the whole dating part when it came to her. He moved her right in and had a ring on her finger weeks later. If it even took that long.
God, and everyone in this town knows I sure in hell don’t date. All of these people have hooked up one way or another around here. It’s slim pickings. There is no way in hell I’d ever be able to handle bumping into someone my husband banged. No, thanks. Besides, Mom and Dad make it hard to find love. When I see the two of them together, I know I would never want to settle till I found what they have. I don’t see that happening since I barely leave Cottonwood, and I know everyone in this town. Probably too well, in fact.
“And how am I going to help plan a wedding?” I’m already heading toward her. I know she’s as excited about this wedding as Paisley is. I wouldn't say my brother is excited. I’d describe him more as impatient. If it were up to him, he would have married Paisley the second he put his ring on her finger.
“Stop being stubborn.” She pulls my baseball cap off, causing my hair to fall down my back. “Go wash up.”
“Hey,” I say, holding my hand out to get my baseball cap back. It’s my favorite. Even if it’s a little worse for wear, I got it when my brother took me to my first baseball game in New York, when we all went to the city to visit him. I’ve been a Yankees fan ever since.
Everyone in my family lured me to New York to see my brother, promising lots of different foods. They knew my stomach was the way to get to me. While we were there, they also tried to get me to visit a few colleges. They’d all done lost their minds if they thought that if I even went to college, it would be in a giant freaking city. It didn’t matter if my brother lived there or not. Big city life is not my scene. Sometimes I wish it was, but I know my soul would die within a few months.
I know many people say the city is full of life, but I see the opposite. To me it seems like everyone is in a rush and that they don’t take the time to stop and enjoy the little things in life. I’m not condemning the way anyone chooses to live, it’s just not for me.
"Shower, and I’ll give it back to you.”
“I don’t even smell!” I groan.
“There is hay in your hair.” She pulls a piece out, dropping it on the ground.
“When I had the hat, no one knew,” I point out. I know I’m really starting to push it.
“We have a guest coming, June bug.” I roll my eyes. Yes, I know we have a guest coming. Unfortunately.
“He’s not a guest. He’s an asshole.” My mom smirks. “Why are you smirking? He is!”
“Do as I tell you.” She gives my ass a small smack, making me jump.
“Fine,” I huff, heading toward the house. Mom catches up with me.
“Is there something you need to talk to me about?”
“Nope.” I may have given myself away by allowing the P to pop a little too hard, but who am I kidding? My mom is already on to me. I know I’m out of sorts.
“June bug.” Her whole tone softens. “This is a lot, I know.”
“Mom, I’m fine,” I reassure her, not wanting to have this talk. Even as I say the words, I know they aren’t right. I haven’t been fine since Luka Woods invaded my life. The problem is, I’m not sure why. The only thing I do know for sure is that he gets under my skin, and I can’t stop thinking about him and his arrogant ways.
“I’ll drop it for now,” she whispers under her breath as we make our way up the porch stairs, where my brother and dad are standing. They are both holding beers. I give them a kiss on the cheek. Before I can ask where Paisley is, a loud, crashing sound comes from the kitchen.