Noah was right.
For once, I wished I were one of those overly protective boyfriends who install location-tracking apps on their girlfriend’s phones.
Wait a minute.
“Hold on! My keys… where are my keys?” I dashed toward the console table in the entry hall, and when I discovered it was empty, I rushed into Sienna’s room to inspect her bags. Zayn and Noah followed me, wearing puzzled expressions.
“Did you leave your keys in the Uber?” Noah inquired.
“No, Sienna’s keys, the ones I gave her.” I went back to the living room and picked up my phone from the coffee table. I opened the Find My app. “The keys I gave her have an Apple AirTag. If she has the keys with her, which I believe she does, we might be able to find her location.” I clicked on the AirTag under Devices, and in one second, the map showed me its location: a property located near Los Gatos Creek Trail.
Noah looked over my shoulder and blurted, “What the fuck is she doing there?”
I locked my phone, glanced at both Noah and Zayn, and stated, “Get your car keys, Noah, we are going for a ride.”
6 months earlier
“Are you sure about this?”
“Stop asking me stupid questions. Of course, I’m sure. We’ve been planning this for months.”
The scent of white gardenia and a hint of something citrusy permeated the air. It was making me nauseous. I looked around, and the only things I saw were corruption, pretty lies, and zero accountability. I was sitting inside Edward Moore’s private jet; at least it belonged to him until tomorrow. After that, only metal, blood, and tears would be left.
The aircraft was compact but luxurious, with light oak furniture and beige leather seats, a minibar, and a complete bathroom with a built-in shower. It could accommodate up to six passengers, but right now, it was only me and the darkness that surrounded me. Only the soft light of my laptop illuminated the cabin.
“It’s not a stupid question. I want to make sure you won’t regret this, Lizzie; the moment the aircraft blows up, you’ll become a serial killer by definition after murdering Carl. Will you be able to live with yourself after that?” he asked.
He had a point, but he, more than anyone else, understood the need for revenge. After all, Edward had also ruined his life.
“That’s if they make a link between both ‘accidents.’ Which they won’t.
“I’ve been able to overcome other things which also tainted my hands with blood. Believe me when I say that I’m granting them a merciful death. They’ll be gone before realizing what’s happening, and I’ll get closure.”
I stopped typing the malware code and upped the volume from my AirPods.
“Are you getting cold feet?” I questioned him.
“I’m not a psychopath, Lizzie. I sure have my doubts, but you know I won’t be able to deny you anything, even if it means slaying your demons and fucking you in their blood.”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” The corner of my mouth lifted, and I smirked.
“How long until you’re done?” he asked.
“Maybe another half hour. After that, I’ll disappear for a couple of weeks, just in case. In the meantime, stick to the plan. Go back to your home in New York and act normal. I’ll call you as soon as I can.”
“Okay, Lizzie. Be careful.”
“I will, and hey, one more thing. Don’t call me Lizzie from now on. One single mistake and we’ll go down like this plane. Got it?”
“Sure thing, Maggie. I love you.”
“Love you too.”