Page 105 of Deadly Secrets

I took the box back to my dad’s desk and opened it. There were a few folded documents, some envelopes tied together with a thin manila rope, and a few notes joined with a paperclip and a photo. I turned over the photo. A younger version of my dad stared back at me. He looked happy, his arm around William’s shoulders. Another man was in the photo with a white coat who I didn’t recognize and a man in his twenties who looked familiar. I narrowed my eyes until it hit me.

Professor James Reed.


I mean, he did say he worked at Cos Pharma for a brief period when I told him about the documents Ander found in his dad’s home office, but he never mentioned being this close to my dad. Why would he lie to me? They must have been close, even friends. Otherwise, why would my dad keep this photo?

I put the photo aside and grabbed the folded documents. They were printouts of what looked like financial movements, money coming in and out. The document at hand appeared to be a personal bank statement originating from an offshore account in Panama. However, there was no name associated with the account. A few particular movements on the statement were marked with a yellow highlighter, indicating significant deposits made from an account with the initials W.A.S.

I remember Michael and William mentioning that my dad would send money to an offshore account in Panama, and I wondered if these were the bank statements that proved it. But why would my dad keep something that could incriminate him?

I moved on and picked up the stack of envelopes. The moment I checked who sent those letters, my blood pressure rose.

Alexander Scott.

I turned them around, and there it was: my name, written in terrible calligraphy. These were the letters Ander wrote to me.

All of them.

Twelve letters.

I didn’t realize I was crying until one tear fell on top of the first envelope. I opened the first one with trembling hands and mentally prepared myself, but it didn’t matter how much I worked on my breathing…I knew his words would probably pierce my heart.

Dear Sienna,

I can’t believe you’re gone.

My dad told me that writing you a letter was a waste of energy, but I don’t agree with him. You were never and will never be a waste of my time.

I know you only left a week ago, but a lot has happened since then.

My parents have been arguing a lot in the last week to the point that I think my mom is going to leave my dad. She threatened him last night to file for divorce. If that happens, I wanna live with my mom. I hate my father.

Silvia asked me to say hi. She came with Connor and Gareth two days ago, and we watched a movie in my room. When she saw the DVD on my bedside table, she wanted to watch Pride & Prejudice, but I told her there was only one girl I would watch that movie with. Guess who?

How is your new school? Do you have a TV in your room? Do you share it?

I’ve checked the place out online, and it looks super cool. Have you made any friends yet? I want to read all about it.

I can’t stop thinking about you.

I miss you.

I want to kiss you again.



PS Do you have a new phone? I have texted you, but you’re not receiving my messages.

I was sure I looked like a mess reading Ander’s letter. Also, fucking Silvia. I bet she was happy that I was out of the picture. I always suspected she had a crush on him, but I got my confirmation when I saw her arms around Ander’s neck in his swimming pool the following summer. I should have drowned the bitch when I had the opportunity.

I removed the paper clip from the notes, but one flew down to the floor. I picked up the piece of paper and placed it on the table.

I gasped.

I know what you did, and you will pay for it.