Page 11 of Aim Assist

Huge emphasis on the story mode and social aspect. I'd be partnering with another influencer. We play together daily, progressing through the game and streaming our experience before launch. Two strangers, meeting on a video game to showcase its social potential.


And the promotion side sounds manageable. Stream the game, hype it up on social media, maybe do some interviews or events. Nothing I haven't done before. The oddest caveat is that we'll be staying at a hotel for the week, so that it's easier for the filming crews.

But there's one thing still nagging at me.

"Why me, though? I'm sure there are bigger streamers out there, ones with a cleaner image. Aren't you worried I might be too... controversial? I don't want to do this out of nepotism."

"HELIOS Gaming is something I take pride in, Ms. Sloane. I wouldn't extend the offer if I didn't believe you'd do well in the role. We want an authentic experience. However, our decision to add a female streamer was a little short-notice. We start on Monday. Will that be acceptable?"

"Absolutely." Max is going to kill me. "An entire week?"

"Seven days," he confirms. "We'll need to fly you out Sunday, so you'll be ready Monday morning. You'll be gaming most of the day, and we'll be filming you over the course of the day to share with the viewers."

It sounds like a lot.

But it sounds like fun. And it's the opportunity of a lifetime.

"I'll do it."


Good news: The hotel allows dogs.

Bad news: The hotel allows dogs.

I'm not sure what to do. If I take my little Pomeranian along—her name is Lucky, because she's fucking lucky to have me, thank you very much—she might piss all over the hotel room carpet.

On the other hand, if I don't bring her, I'll be sad that she's being boarded all week.

Then again, she spends most of her time sleeping under my chair, so I guess she won't be missing much.

After much back and forth, I decide that she's coming. She's tiny and adorable. Maybe if she gives the housekeepers kisses, they won't tell on me for any pee accidents.

Just in case, I pack a bottle of Nature's Miracle. Only enzyme cleaners will save me in the worst-case scenario.

"If you need me to, I can keep Lucky with me. Milo loves her. I'm pretty sure he loves her enough to give her little Milo babies."

"Milo's neutered, Sam." She's chatting away as I pack my suitcase, and doesn't mind that my responses are occasionally slow. "And Lucky's spayed."

"Doesn't mean he can't try."

"Are you trying to matchmake our de-sexed dogs?"

"Look, he would be happy. And she would be happy. And I would be able to cuddle her."

"You hold a baby all day long. Cuddle him."

"Babies aren't the same, but okay."

I can hear Sam cooing at her son and laugh. "When he's eighteen, I'm going to put that on his birthday slide. 'On this date, on this year, your mother said a cute Pomeranian puppy was better than you.'"

"I never said Lucky is better," she protests, and changes the subject quickly. "What are you packing for your little streaming retreat?"

"It's a job, not a retreat, Sam."

"I know. I'm the one who recommended you for it, remember? Asher loves you, by the way. Laughed when he watched a few of your streams. He hopes you make a bunch of the board members die of apoplexy."