Other than the girls beaming at me from a table by the window. “Vail!” Jasmine was on her feet faster than Nadia, but the Head Omega wasn’t about to be left behind and they smothered me in a messy group hug. “Oh, thank God you’re okay. We were so worried!”
I pulled back, breathless and embarrassed. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been feeling so bad about everything.” They were both clutching a hand, but I sniffed and pulled away. Shame rode me hard and I could barely meet their eyes. “I fucked up big time. And after you’d all been so nice to me.”
Jasmine planted her hands on her hips. “You don’t think we believe that Wolf Fire bullshit, do you?”
I couldn’t hide my shock. Both girls were the perfect omegas – kind, loyal and gorgeous inside and out – but Jasmine also had the fragile beauty of a wildflower. I knew she was tougher than she looked, but it was kind of weird seeing her bristling with rage. “Anyone who listens to those rumors is an idiot. We both know you better than that, Vail.”
Jasmine had been Felix’s date to the dance, so I was relieved she didn’t think I’d baited him on purpose. But her loyalty still made me feel uneasy. After all, I didn’t have much of an explanation for what had happened. Gabriel Michaels hadn’t been able to clear up the mystery of the scent shield and my wolf was still a no show. I could blame it on the full moon, but I could just imagine how a school of shifters would laugh their asses off at that excuse. “I wish I had your confidence. I feel like I can’t even trust myself anymore.” I closed my eyes for a long moment, then blew out a breath, steeling myself. “How bad are the rumors?”
Nadia crimped her lips, her gaze sympathetic. “It’s just a lot of ugly gossip. As far as anyone knows, you went home for a break. There are a few theories – you got drunk and had a fight with Jasper – but mostly that’s just Pearl being a bitch.”
Jasmine grabbed my hand. “And everybody knows Pearl has it in for you.”
I wasn’t surprised the blonde she-devil was dragging my name through the manure. I wasn’t sure I could even blame her. She was an alpha, and believed she had a prior claim to Jasper. A part of me could accept she was just being protective. Looking out for her alpha and making sure a screwed-up dud didn’t slime her way into his affections. The other part wanted to kick her ass for all the shit she’d put me through. “What about Jasper? What’s he saying?”
The girls exchanged a look. “He’s been off-campus since the dance. I guess with his new duties…”
I gave a jerky little nod. It was stupid to think he was obsessing over what had happened, when he had much bigger issues to deal with now. “Is that why you’re staying here instead of the rose cottage?”
Nadia moved uneasily, while Jasmine’s eyes narrowed. It was the younger omega who said, “Pearl kicked us out. And with Jasper not around, we didn’t have much choice. Not that we wanted to live under the same roof as her anyway…”
Her voice trailed off, but I still felt my stomach give a sick little flip. “She’s moved into the cottage?”
Nadia reached over to pat my hand. “Wait until the alpha’s back. I’m sure we can sort everything out once he has a chance to listen.”
I gave them a weak smile, but kept my thoughts to myself. I loved Nadia for her optimism but I didn’t think it was going to be that easy. Besides, I wasn’t packless anymore. As far as Jasper was concerned, I was no longer his problem.
There was a soft rap of knuckles on the open door and I turned to find Carter Barren grinning at me. “You have a visitor. Need to keep it on the down-low, but I either let her in, or she’s going to distribute some of my more disturbing baby photos…”
Marnie gave her brother a friendly shove and burst into the room. She’d been my first friend at the Academy – in fact, my first real friend in a long time – and I instantly felt better when I saw her smiling face. We’d all bonded in the days before the Hunter Moon fiasco, and the other girls called out happy greetings. But when Marnie reached our table and pulled me in for a tight hug, her eyes were dark with shadows. She shook her head slowly. “I heard you were attacked by the Black Den Pack. Are you okay?”
Both of the omegas gasped, but I waved off their concern. “They came to the Horn. Something about taking me to the Marrow Alpha, but I got away.” I didn’t mention Sin, since I wasn’t sure what game she and Gabriel Michaels were playing. It was unnerving to think news of the attack had already made it to the academy, though. “How did you hear about it?”
She looked pointedly back at her brother, who ducked out of the room with a wave. “The guards have been put on high alert. Seems there are going to be some tighter security protocols for a while. And the new principal has called an emergency assembly.”
Nadia raised a sleek brow. “You mean today? But what about our regular classes?”
Marnie shrugged, but her shadowed eyes didn’t leave my face. “Seems the new Arras Alpha wants to address the whole school.”
Eight - Vail
Marnie brought over my old backpack and Nadia rustled up a spare uniform. I tried not to grimace as I pulled on the familiar white shirt. At least I didn’t have to wear the short skirt, given it was below freezing out. There was even one of the fancy blazers, although this one was a deep red, instead of the dark green I was used to seeing the Arras wolves wear. Crimson was the Marshall color, Nadia informed me, and I tried to ignore the little flip in my belly as I pulled it on. It was stupid to think I was betraying Jasper by wearing another pack’s colors; given the fact he was now alpha, he probably had more important things on his mind than whether I was in red or green.
Or at least I hoped so.
My jangling nerves weren’t helped by the air of formality as we headed towards the auditorium. Marnie had snuck out of Omega House after breakfast, and we were escorted across campus in our pack groups. It was the first time I’d spoken to Penny, the Marshall Head Omega, and it was an excruciatingly polite introduction. Penny was a no-nonsense senior, with a short, dark bob and placid gray eyes. She also had perfect manners, and treated me like a distant acquaintance who was only visiting for a short while. Which was fine by me. The whole Marshall pack connection made me uneasy, and if she’d embraced me like a long-lost sister, I’d probably have puked my crispy bacon all over our pretty red blazers.
The auditorium was a fancier version of the gym, with a large stage at the front and three sections of plush chairs in different colors. Penny led us towards the front of the red block and I realized this was the Marshall pack section. I had a moment to wonder where the packless kids were banished to, before she gestured for us to sit. There were two rows in front of us, all filled with large guys who had to be alphas. They turned to watch us file in and I suddenly remembered Jasper telling us at the sniff test that omegas made very attractive mates.
Ugh. A whole school assembly on my first morning back was bad enough. But being paraded in here as fresh meat for the Marshall alphas really did make my stomach turn. Penny must have sensed my distress, because she made a tsking sound and pulled me down next to her. “They’re just curious. I’ll talk to the alphason about a formal introduction, and it should smooth things over.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. More than one of the guys was glaring at me, and I shifted uneasily as the alpha in front of me turned and said, “You’re really Parker West’s daughter?” He had blunt features that took on a sinister edge as his lip curled back. “Explains why he disappeared, I guess. Fucking a Marrow princess has to be bad for your health.”
Penny gave a quiet gasp, but the whole row was listening now. This was my moment to say something diplomatic. To start that whole smoothing-over process. But that curled lip really bugged me. So, I leaned forward and gave him my best smile. “Believe me, you never have to worry about that, Princess.”
More than one of the alphas chortled, and the omegas sank away from me like I was contagious, but I felt kind of smug. I might have been a weak wolf in the eyes of the school, but I had my own version of claws when I needed them.
I cast Penny an apologetic glance, but the biggest guy in the row barked, “eyes forward,” and the alphas all turned back to the stage. He gave Penny a quick nod, and I realized it was Reed’s other lieutenant. The big, scary one who was constantly cracking his knuckles. I was a little surprised when Penny went pink and gave him a shy smile in return. Seemed Beauty and the Beast was about to become a remake.