Page 224 of Sin Bin

Inspired by the Washington Capitals’ WAGs, Jenna had ordered custom denim jackets emblazoned with players’ last names and jersey numbers. She wanted the Rebels’ WAGs to wear the jackets to show solidarity with the team during the playoffs.

Meadow was still getting used to the idea of being an NHL WAG. It was like belonging to another sorority, except she didn’t get the same sense of sisterhood that she got from her college sorority. Her sorors would give her the shirt off their backs. She couldn’t say the same about NHL WAGs. Not the Denver ones, anyway.

“You guys should pose in front of the windows with the mountains in the background,” Bianca suggested. “These views are amazing.”

“Aren’t they?” Ana sighed. “It’s so beautiful out here. Maybe someday when Luke becomes an executive at Boeing, we can build our own sprawling mountain retreat.”

Scarlett chuckled. “Viggo recently floated the idea of leasing out his penthouse and moving out here after we get married.”

“Oh! That would be awesome!” Nadia said, clapping excitedly. “We could be neighbors!”

“That’s what Viggo said. He really likes the idea of living close to his best friend and having our kids grow up together, which they’re going to do whether we’re neighbors or not. Don’t get me wrong,” Scarlett hastened to add when Nadia pouted. “I would love to live closer to you and Reid. As much as we hang out together, it would make things easier if we were neighbors. And it is absolutely breathtaking up here in the mountains.”

“But?” Nadia prompted.

Scarlett sighed. “But I would miss living downtown. The hustle and bustle. Being right in the heart of everything. You know I’m a city girl.”

“You lived in the suburbs with your parents before you started dating Viggo,” Ana reminded her.

“True.” Scarlett grinned sheepishly. “I’m not ruling out the idea of moving. But I might need a little more convincing.”

“I accept the challenge,” Nadia said with gleeful determination, rubbing her hands together. “Viggo, Reid and I are gonna wear you down.”

Scarlett groaned. “Three against one? So unfair!”

Everyone laughed.

“How long is your commute to work?” Ana asked Nadia.

“About half an hour. I’m actually closer to the college than I was when I lived downtown, so it worked out great.” Nadia grinned. “By the way, we’re getting a puppy after the wedding. Hopefully that will tide Reid over until we start having kids.”

Ana snickered. “Don’t count on it. A dog is no substitute for a son he can show off and teach to play hockey.”

“I know.” Nadia sighed, making everyone laugh.

Scarlett climbed out of her recliner. “Let’s take this selfie for Jenna so I can get back to my pregame show.”

She and the others headed over to the windows and struck playful poses, showing off the front and back of their denim jackets. Each was personalized with their man’s last name, jersey number and a uniquely symbolic image.

“Let’s see…” Ana went down the row, pointing to each design. “For Reid we have a lipstick-marked rocket blasting above Motown Records—nice homage to Detroit. For Viggo we have cinnamon buns, microphones and drums raining down on Stockholm—too adorable. For Logan we have a pair of boxing gloves hugging the planet Jupiter—aww!” she cooed and giggled before continuing. “And for Dubinski we have combat boots, dog tags and…handcuffs?”

“His dad is an army veteran.” Jess sent a naughty wink over her shoulder. “I’ll let you guess what the handcuffs represent.”

Everyone burst out laughing.

Nadia texted their pictures to Jenna while the others wandered over to the wraparound wet bar, helping themselves to more food and drinks. Reid’s housekeeper had prepared quite a spread for them.

Ana sidled up to Meadow and grinned. “Congratulations on getting your man. I’m really happy for you guys.”

Meadow smiled shyly. “Thank you, Ana.”

Jess cackled. “I’m just glad you guys finally did the deed. All that sexual tension and longing was making me frustrated. I can only imagine how hard it was for Logan.” She grinned. “Pun definitely intended.”

As the others giggled lecherously, Meadow and Nadia shared a quiet smile. Nadia was the only one she’d told about Logan’s meltdown following his father’s visit. Though she hadn’t divulged all of his dark secrets, Nadia understood that they still had a tough road ahead of them. Nothing could be taken for granted.

Ana sighed dramatically. “Of course I’m disappointed that Logan won’t be marrying into my family. But after seeing the pictures of you guys together, it’s pretty clear you’re meant for each other. Not even my sister could deny it. Well, she did at first,” Ana admitted, smiling ruefully at Meadow. “But she knows true love when she sees it. That said, it might be best if you and Logan skip my wedding.”

“Damn, chica!” Scarlett exclaimed. “That’s cold!”