Funny how she was looking just at me when she threw the demanding accusation around.

“But I’ve built a reputation all on my own. I didn’t need my father to launch the careers of a number of artists.”

“Okay.” Leaning forward, I braced my elbows on my knees. I was close enough to her now that I could smell the lilac scent of her perfume. I liked it. “Goodie for you. You launched some groups. But sweetie, we don’t need to be launched. We’re fucking gods all on our own. So, I ask again: what can you do for us that no one else could?”

She smirked. “I can keep you on the minds of everyone in this country, hell, in the world. All the while, keeping a smile on my face while putting up with your bullshit and keeping you in line.”

The room went deathly silent as Violet and I stared each other down. Her green eyes were like wide emeralds as they twinkled their challenge to me. I couldn’t wait to see those eyes widen as she called out my name, while coming all over my dick.

Suddenly a burst of laughter erupted from Dylan. “Holy shit, that was sweet.”

Violet broke eye contact with me to glance over at Dylan, cocking her head and staring at him. She began to break down a plan she had for us, but it didn’t matter. Those were just details that I really didn’t give a shit about. The fire in her attitude reflected that of her hair. Oh man, did I ever love it!

She was going to be fun indeed.