Shit! In my surprise I jerked upright and fell off Zack’s lap, plunging into the water, which only made him chuckle, creating a soft splashing sound. Pushing my wet locks from my eyes, I scanned the area, but I couldn’t see anyone looking over the edge of their balcony. In fact, I didn’t see any of the curtains drawn, but someone most definitely had their sliding doors open.

“Just calm down,” he said, laughing. “It’s dark down here.”

“We weren’t quiet,” I hissed.

“No…. No, you weren’t,” he agreed, with that cocky grin on his face that I loved to hate.

“Grab me my bathing suit. This was such a stupid idea.”

He cocked a brow at me, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t think I heard you say please.”


“Boy, that’s certainly not a please.”

I looked at our bathing suits. I’d have to get out of the tub, or at least expose most of my body whereas he could just reach without putting himself on display. Why was he being so difficult?

“Because I can,” he said, as if reading my mind.

“Okay. Please. Can you please pass me my bathing suit?”

“See, look at how much more pleasant a request is when you use your manners.” Turing in the hot tub he grabbed my bikini and his shorts, coming out of the hot tub just enough so I could catch a glimpse of the curve of his tight ass. Falling back into the hot tub, he threw my bikini at me while putting his own on.

Once we were both dressed, we climbed out of the hot tub, grabbed our towels and began drying off as we walked to the exit.

“So how about we go back to my room, and we can finish what we started back there.”

Tempting, oh God it was so, so tempting, but as much as I loved what had happened in the hot tub it should never have happened to begin with and couldn’t happen again. My hormones had overtaken my good sense.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. That was a one-time thing.” Reaching the elevator, I pressed the call button.

He grinned. The guy was so self-assured it really surprised me that he had any type of insecurity. It almost made me think he’d been just pulling my leg when he’d said he wasn’t entirely comfortable on stage. But I did suppose performing in front of thousands upon thousands of people was much different then hitting on and fucking a woman.

“We will see.” The elevator dinged and the doors slid open.