“I bet.”

A faraway look came over his expression and I could just see a touch of a smile curl up the corners of his lips. “But we managed. I honestly just wanted to make music and really didn’t think we were good enough to take that step, but Dylan insisted we were. He’s never had the doubts I would get, hell, that I even get today.”

I nodded. I had seen the differences. While Zack put on a show of being cocky and self-assured, there was insecurity deep below the surface. Dylan knew there was talent and knew his strong points and his faults.

“Anyhow, we got the demo done and started sending it around. Eventually, we got a response, the problem was that they didn’t want a duo. They wanted a dynamic band, so we began to take auditions to fill the other three spots that the recording company felt would make a perfect, sellable group.”

I laughed softly, spreading my hands out, “And here you all are. Five of the most famous musicians in the world.”

“Hard to believe. We went from the streets to traveling the world. All those cities we used to see on television we’ve now seen up close and personal. It’s so surreal. I sometimes wonder if I’ll wake up. It really just that hard to believe.” He shook his head and a faraway look came over his face.

“Not really.” Reaching over to him again, I placed my hand onto his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It would be harder to believe if you didn’t make it, to be honest. Your songs are special and unique. The group works so well together and works harder than any group I’ve ever seen.”

A cocky grin spread across his lips, accompanied by a devilish gleam in his eyes. “Dylan and I do work well together, you should know.”

The reminder of what we had shared the previous night brought heat to my cheeks. Did he think I was a whore for doing it with both of them? How many women actually did stuff like that? More importantly what kind of women did that? My mind began to circle back to the question of whether or not I was just a conquest to the guys. Was it just fun and games, or were there real feelings toward me, like I had already developed for them?

“Let’s pivot this conversation in a different direction.”

He shrugged. “Sure. Shoot. What’s on your mind?”

“What’s with all the women? Seriously? I don’t think I can even recall a headline that included you with a girlfriend. Is that the persona that you’ve been striving for? A hit-it-and and-quit-it kinda guy?”

“Wow.” He closed his eyes and blew out a loud puff of air. “You really like getting to the bottom of things, don’t you?”

“I’m your manager; it’s stuff I should know.”

Opening his eyes, he looked over at me. “You should know, or want to know?”

Attempting to seem nonchalant, I smiled at him, catching his gaze while praying he couldn’t see the whirlwind of emotions racing through my mind. “Call it professional curiosity.”

“That’s a tough one to be honest. I’ve had the type of life where you didn’t get close to anyone. You looked out for yourself, got what you needed, and moved on. Since my parents passed Dylan has been the only person I’ve been able to count on. If you were to tell a shrink my story, I’m sure he’d say that I had a fear of commitment. If I don’t get attached to anyone then I don’t have to worry about getting hurt.”

“Is that how you feel?” Given the information he’d provided about the past his self-analysis seemed to be pretty on point.

“Dunno. Maybe. I try not to overanalyze my life. It’s worked for me so far so why fuck with something that works?”

“Because one day touring might get old and you may want a wife and family—kids.”

The burst of laughter that erupted from him startled me, making me jump. He gave me a look that told me he thought I was testing him. “Can you really picture me pushing a stroller and changing diapers?”

“That’s what the servants are for!” I countered, attempting to keep things light.

Zack cocked a brow up at me. “Touché.”

“So, no settling down for you then?”

“I just don’t know. I don’t see it in the foreseeable future. I’m not naive, I know there’s plenty of people in the world who have said the exact same thing as I have, just to end up walking down the aisle a couple of years later. It’s just never been part of the plan.”

“The plan as in world domination? I think you’ve already achieved that.”

He remained silent for a moment, contemplating, before answering, “I suppose I have.” He paused another long moment, before slapping his legs and sitting up. “On that note, I’m heading for a dip. Care to join?” He stood and looked down at me, offering me his hand.

“No. I’m good, looking to get in some sun.”

He nodded and walked over to the pool, diving in in one graceful movement.

Sitting straight on the chaise, I searched the top of the water, waiting for him to resurface. When he did emerge, he was at the opposite end of the pool from me, water drops glistening under the hot sun as they slithered down his chest. Brushing away the hair that had tumbled over his eyes, he smiled, catching my gaze.