Chapter 13


Sitting on a private patio under the stars having an amazing meal was the perfect end to an amazing day. The resort cost an arm, leg, and then some, but it was well worth it to feel human again. Yes, going out and always being recognized was part of the package that came with being who we were, but it was nice to walk about and not be hassled. There were a fair number of other guests puttering about, but part of the conditions guests had to agree to in order to stay at this resort was that no one was allowed to approach other guests for anything other than to be social. No requests for autographs or photographs. Generally I loved that stuff, but from time to time it was nice to be free from the chaos.

It was nice to see Violet and Dylan let loose after the shit I got us all into, thanks to my impulsiveness in the pool. Thankfully no one had put two and two together and figured it out—yet. I had to keep optimistic. As time went by, I became more confident that we were in the clear.

“That meal was incredible,” Violet said, sitting back in her chair with a wide smile on her face. “Despite the blindfolding and nearly peeing myself in the car on the way here, this has been one of the best days I’ve had in a very long time.”

“Totally. I appreciate you thinking of this, Zack,” Dylan added. “I think we all needed a break away from the craziness.”

“But the craziness isn’t over yet.”

Violet looked down at her watch. “It’s past nine at night. What could you possibly have planned that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”

I smiled. One thing that made me so good with women was the fact I listened. She’d been complaining for the past couple of days that she was tense and needed a good massage, but she just didn’t have the time to set aside to get one, so I’d pulled a couple of strings and had the resort keep the spa open so we could use the facilities. None of the staff would be there, but using the equipment wasn’t overly complicated. I was told I gave a kick-ass massage, so as far as I was concerned, we were set.

“We’re going to head to the spa and me and Dylan are going to give you a massage. Then the three of us are going to relax in the private hot tub. Or steam room. Whatever tickles our fancy, really.”

“Is that allowed?”

I wiggled my eyebrows at her. “Anything is possible.”

She giggled, her entire face lighting up. “Wow. I guess hanging out with you two has its privileges. But if you could swing that then why couldn’t you swing staff in the spa?”

I leaned across the table and took her hand in mine. “Maybe we wanted you all to ourselves.”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out as a blush began to color her cheeks. It was cute how I could still get her to blush, even after what we’d been through together. She cleared her throat, “That sounds like a good idea.”

“Good. Well let’s head on up. I have my room key coded for the spa so we can head there now.”

~*~ TT ~*~


I’d sworn to myself that nothing more would develop between me and either of the guys. But after today being such a perfect day, it was hard to keep back the feelings that were filling me up.

Zack swiped his card into the entry system and sure enough the door beeped and we entered. Even though this was authorized use, there was still a small feeling of naughtiness at what we were doing as we entered, closing the door behind us.

The overhead lights were off, but there were dim sconces on the wall that made it just light enough for us to navigate through the spa to find the rooms containing the massage tables.

“Aren’t they scared we might steal some of their stuff?” I asked.

Zack looked over his shoulder at me in the entranceway of one of the rooms, giving me an odd look. “I doubt they’d care, considering how much we’re paying a night to be here.”

“How much are you paying a night? Our suite is a three-bedroom suite; it’s like a mini apartment. Do I even want to know?”

He grinned. “No, no you don’t.” And then he walked into the room. After a little searching he found a lighter and began to light some of the candles around the room. While he lit the candles, Dylan searched up some massage oil.

“Strip down, boss,” Zack said upon lighting the last candle. The room now had a soft, romantic glow. This was supposed to be relaxing, but instead my heart rate was accelerating, this was a very dangerous situation.

“I’m not sure…”

“It’s not a big deal. We’re all friends here,” Dylan said with a lazy grin, his gaze catching mine and locking on. He was challenging me; I could see it in his eyes. I don’t know what kind of game the two of them were playing, but I’d be damned if I would let them win!

Keeping my gaze locked with his I slowly began to strip down, taking my time, wanting to build the tension. Perhaps it was a bad move on my part, like waving a red flag in front of a couple of bulls, but I did it anyhow. I was a strong, independent woman; I could control my hormones. Besides, it’s not like the both of them hadn’t seen me naked already.

Once naked with the exception of my forest green satin panties, I forced myself not to give in to my modesty and cover myself. Getting onto the massage table, I lay down on my stomach and waited.