Chapter 10


“This is an interesting twist,” I commented as Dylan and I rode the elevator up to our floor. I was trying to be as light as possible about the situation, but inside I was feeling quite shaken up. I should have known that having sex in a public place would expose Violet. She wasn’t a fan or groupie; she was our manager. I should have been smarter than that.

“That’s one way to say it. Another way to say it is that you should never have fucked her in the first place.”

I looked over at Dylan. “It happened, man. What can I say? Things happen. We’re all traveling together. Feelings begin to develop. You know this as well as I do.”

The elevator reached our floor and the doors slid open. We both stepped onto the floor, but I hesitated. Violet must be taking what happened hard. Why wouldn’t she? The world didn’t know who she was, but if they ever found out…. She needed someone and the least I could do was offer her a shoulder to lean on.

My hand shot out and I stopped the doors from closing. “I’m going to talk to her.”

Dylan hesitated. “Yes, you’re right.” He began to re-enter the elevator, but I stopped him, blocking his path.

“I think it’s better if just I go alone so we can sort it out. It’s me that got her into this potential mess. We were the ones in the video; we don’t need a group to discuss it.”

It looked like Dylan was going to protest, but decided against it, nodding. “Very well. Do me a favor and keep your dick out of her this time, would that be too much to ask?”

I was a little pissed off over that comment. Who did he think he was to tell me who I could and could not sleep with? But instead of getting into it with him, I nodded. “Yeah, fine. I’ll see what I can do.”

Who the hell did he think he was? Did he think I was just wagging my dick all around, putting it into anyone and anything that just came along? Okay, perhaps to a certain degree he was right, but I wasn’t a complete whore.

“Alright. I’ll check in with you later.”

Stepping fully into the elevator, I pressed the button to close the doors before Dylan changed his mind and wanted to come after me. I rode down two floors and arrived at Violet’s. Once the doors slid open, I rushed out and straight to her room. Knocking, I waited assuming she’d be inside.

It took three rounds of knocking, I was about to turn around and walk away thinking I’d need to call her or hunt her down when the door opened and there stood Violet in a pair of boxers and form-fitting t-shirt, both featuring Minions. She looked really cute and as usual, my dick began to swell.

Damn. Why couldn’t I get a handle on my cock, this was silly. If I was seventeen, then sure, I’d understand, but I was really too old for this shit.

“Can I come in?”

She stepped aside and waved me inside, closing the door behind me, her expression unreadable. I walked over to the minibar and pulled out a bottle of wine. Cracking it open, I grabbed two glasses and sat down on the loveseat. Placing the glasses on the coffee table, I poured us each a glass.

“I think you could use this,” I said motioning towards the bottle of wine.

After a moment’s hesitation, she sat down next to me and grabbed one of the glasses, taking a hearty swig and downing a third of the glass in one go.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, concerned.

“I’m not doing that great, Zack. I could lose my job if it gets discovered that was me.”

Reaching over to her, I placed my hand on her knee, not sure if she’d let me keep it there or not. She looked down at my hand but didn’t attempt to brush it off. “I assure you, you’ll always have a job as long as I have something to do with it. And guess what, it’s my decision, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“That’s great and all, but what happens if the band breaks up, or dies out? Those are the realities; you and the rest of the band are making enough money to live off for the rest of your lives. I still have to build that nest egg; there wasn’t much of an inheritance from my father believe it or not. I need to make it on my own.”

“None of those things will happen. Hypnotic is here to stay.” Despite my words, she was right. You never knew what would be hot and what wouldn’t from one day to the next. There were so many bands who were on top of the world only to be gone and never heard from again, a few years later.

This was my fault. Mine and my dick’s. I felt like such a shit. If something did happen, it would be my fault. I’d make sure she was okay. I may be known as a party boy but being frivolous was not one of my vices. I had a decently funded investment portfolio that was working well for me. She was right; I’d never have to worry over money.

“Look.” I took a drink before continuing. “You’ll never have to worry. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of no matter what happens. This is my fault, and I’ll take responsibility if there’s a fallout.”

I looked her deep in the eyes and was relieved to see her expression softening. She sighed. “It wasn’t you. I started it. I should have had better self-control.”

“I did kiss you first; if it’s on anyone, it’s on me.”

She shrugged.