Chapter 8


This is creepy, a voice in the back of my head nagged. I didn’t need my conscience telling me that standing on my balcony and watching my best friend and the woman I was developing feelings for having sex was creepy. I knew damned well it was creepy and I was experiencing a mix of emotions—anger being the primary one at the moment. They’d broken the cardinal rule and mixed business and pleasure. The band and its success should be the most important thing, not getting off. If Zack was in that much need to get off, the hotel had pay-per-view porn. And the other emotion was jealousy. I’d envisioned fucking Violet more than once, normally while in the shower rubbing one out. But I’d stayed in control and didn’t let my dick rule me.

I could have sworn I heard Violet scream and then the action in the hot tub slowed, then stopped all together. Time to stop being a perv and step away from the balcony. Making my way back into my room, I closed the glass door behind me and went to my bed and sat down on the edge.

This was bullshit. True and utter bullshit.

I must have spent close to an hour stewing, trying to get things straight in my mind.

Zack and I had talked about this in great detail. He’d said he understood why we needed to keep things professional and he agreed that it was a bad idea to get involved with her in any way beyond friendship. But his cock was always the premier thing on his mind, and that had to end.

I’d told him when Violet came on board that if he had sex with her then I’d be out. I’d been serious. I could get a solo career, in fact I’d already been approached a couple of times about going off on my own. By God, I was done playing his games. I was going to tell him just what I thought and that I was done with this bullshit.

Once I was sure I had a plan, I stood, put on my sneakers and left my room. I was going to pay Zack a visit first and then Violet. I was done.

Zack’s room wasn’t far from mine and approaching his door, I could faintly see one set of wet footprints, which was good. I wasn’t sure how well I could handle them both at once, but on the flip side it would kill two birds with one stone.

I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened almost immediately.

“Couldn’t get enough ba—” he cut off in midsentence and stared blankly at me. “Dylan…. This is a surprise.” He looked down at his watch. “It’s past midnight, what’s up?”

“Can I come in?” I didn’t wait for an answer, just entered.

“I guess…”

Going over to the sofa, I sat down and waited for Zack to sit down across from me.

“Okay, why are you being a fucktard?”

I looked at the man that I’d known most of my life. Twenty years, since we were fifteen and I wondered for a moment if I was making a mountain out of a mole hill. Maybe I was overreacting. I’d had a chance with Violet, but I didn’t pursue it. Zack was an opportunist, always had been.

No. No, no, no. He went back on his word and by God, I was going to call him out on it.

“Look, we had a deal.”

Zack yawned as he sank back into the plush chair in the living room area. “What deal?”

“Violet was off-limits.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t be an idiot.” Rage was flowing through me again. Was he seriously attempting to play dumb when they’d just fucked in public?

Zack shrugged.

Having to tell him what he’d just done just pissed me off further. “I saw you two fucking in the hot tub. You and Violet. Our manager. The person you were to keep your fucking dick out of.”

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Okay. Listen. It’s not what you think.”

“I think it’s exactly what I think. You wanted to fuck her, you waited for the right moment and you took advantage of her.”

“Listen.” He leaned forward, locking gazes with me. “I did not force her into anything. She’s the one that wanted it. Should I have fucked her? Maybe not. But it wasn’t me this time. Believe it or not, she came on to me.”

“I really am having a hard time believing that. I told you if you started this shit that I’d be done.”

“You’re overreacting. This isn’t going to affect our work relationship. I promise you it was a one-time thing and she’s fine with it. She’s the one who made it clear. She had a need and she rode my dick. That’s it.”