“Thank you. I appreciate that. I really do.”

“We’re partners in this. If we stay on top, you make a name for yourself as well; it’s a win-win.”

“I think so too.”

Silence overtook the room as we looked at each other. Despite the little hiccup we’d had when I first arrived this had been a brief, yet fruitful meeting.

“I should be going so you can get ready for the concert.”

He motioned to his wardrobe. “I’m ready already boss.”

Laughing, I stood. “Don’t call me boss.”

“It’s better than baby, isn’t it.” He stood with me.

“Don’t call me baby either.”

“What’s the fun in that?” he said, walking me to the door and opening it for me. “See you in the limo at six pm sharp…sexy.”

“For fuck’s sakes,” I muttered under my breath walking through the threshold, hearing his laughter behind me. “That wasn’t professional,” I called over my shoulder as I started my journey down the hallway.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he called back before closing the door.

~*~ TT ~*~


Why am I spending so much time getting ready? It’s not like I’m going to be the one onstage. But I couldn’t help it. I had the insane need to make sure I looked perfect before going downstairs to meet the guys. Every hair had to be in place and my makeup had to be perfect. I had a weird natural wave to my hair that just wasn’t pretty so it took forever just to flat iron it to make it look good. And I just wasn’t all that great at putting together a smoky-eye look, so it took me three times longer than it would take a normal person.

One big advantage to managing Hypnotic was that it came with a fairly substantial pay bump. Maybe it was time to start getting fancy and hiring a makeup artist to make sure I looked good for the big-ticket events like this one. This was going to be my very first appearance with the guys as their new manager, so I had to look the part. At least that was how I justified all the fuss I was making over how I looked.

With my makeup and hair looking as good as it ever was going to, I turned my attention to my wardrobe. There were so many choices. After picking out several outfits, I finally decided that less was more. If the guys were all going to be wearing basic jeans and t-shirts, I’d look like an idiot wearing a fancy dress and heels.

Ultimately, I decided on a pair of black leather pants, pink tank top, and a pair of knee-high black leather, heeled boots. It was a classic look for a reason. Putting on the finishing touches of large, silver loop earrings and a simple silver chain, I decided I was ready. Looking at my silver analogue watch, it wasn’t a moment too soon. It was 5:50. I only had ten minutes to get my ass downstairs and into the limo. The last thing I wanted was to make a bad impression by being late.

Rushing out of my room, I made it downstairs and burst through the front doors of the hotel in record time. The boys must have been spotted because there were a number of screaming girls surrounding the limo. Hotel and band security were doing their best to keep the lookie-loos away from the vehicle.

The screaming fans spotting the guys wherever they were was going to be something I’d need to get used to. My clients of the past had fans, but none as rabid as the fans of Hypnotic. This was insanity.

“Welcome to the big time, Violet baby,” I muttered under my breath as I approached the car. Once I was a couple feet away from the car, one of the security people stepped forward and opened the door to the back of the car for me.

“Miss Hudson.” He nodded to me and motioned for me to enter.

“Thanks.” I peeked in and sure enough everyone was already there and waiting.

“Took ya long enough boss,” Flinn quipped.

“Come on. We don’t got all day.” Zack patted the empty seat next to him.

I made a face at Flinn and slid into the car, sitting next to Zack in the spot he’d offered. “Thanks.”

Zack looked me up and down. “Looking good. It was worth the wait.”

Rolling my eyes at him, I couldn’t help but feel secretly flattered he’d noticed the effort.

“Yes, I think we just might have the sexiest manager out there,” Dylan added, giving me a wink.

I wasn’t immune to his charms and felt a blush begin to color my cheeks, no doubt rivalling the color of my tank top. “Thank you, Dylan. Though I think you might be overstating a little.”