Chapter 5


Closing the door behind me, I closed my eyes and fell back against it, letting out a loud huff of air. My heart was beating so rapidly inside my chest I felt as though it was going to explode past my ribcage.

That was intense. He threw me a curveball that I didn’t expect. I’d gone into the room expecting a confrontation, all the while hoping to talk some sense into him. I got the anticipated confrontation, but what I didn’t expect to get was the heart-to-heart.

Zack always came off as so strong and confident. Hell, cocky would be a better way to describe how he came off in the public eye. Who’d have thought his confidence wasn’t anything other than smoke and mirrors?

I didn’t even want to start thinking about his hotness factor. No wonder women fell over themselves to get with him. It had taken all my strength not to give in to him and keep up the cold exterior.

There were rumors circulating that he was easily one of the best lays in the industry. Would the hype be well deserved or all just hot air? Either way, it didn’t matter. He was off-limits.

Pushing myself off the door, I began making my way to the opposite end of the floor where I’d find Dylan’s room. I’d already done a quick check on the other guys, making Dylan my final stop.

What would it be like to have sex with a superstar anyhow? I was twenty-eight so I was hardly a virgin, but I wasn’t overly experienced either. There’d been a couple of guys in college, but things just never worked out.

I’d always had a drive within me to succeed. While other girls and women were focused on finding Mr. Right, I was working at being the best in academics. I had to be the best in all my courses through school and upon graduation. When I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps, I’d vowed to myself that I’d become the most sought-after manager in the business.

I’m sure a shrink would have a field day with me, attempting to dissect why I had such an intense need to overachieve. They’d have lots to work with between my mother dying when I was a preteen and my father dying a few years ago.

Arriving at the opposite end of the floor, I found myself in front of Dylan’s door. Hopefully this visit would be a little more seamless then the last.

Knocking on the door I was happy to see that I didn’t have to knock a second time as the door swung open. What I wasn’t quite as impressed over was the fact that Dylan answered the door wearing nothing except a white hotel towel wrapped low on his hips.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, I nearly groaned out loud, catching myself at the very last second.

“What was that?” Dylan’s brow creased as he looked down at me.

“Nothing.” Putting a hand over my neck, I coughed and cleared my throat. “Something caught in my throat, that’s all.”

“Ahh, I see. Did you want to come in?” He stepped aside and I walked through the entryway and past him into the room. His room was virtually identical to the one Zack was staying in.

“Fuck,” Dylan growled from behind me.

What the? Stopping, I turned to see that the towel had caught in the door and as he closed it; it had pulled free from his hips, leaving him standing buck naked behind me.

Don’t judge me. I had to look. How could I not?

My eyes drank in every inch of his gorgeous, naked body and ohmygod what an amazing body it was! Every inch of him from head to toe was magnificent, rivalling the bodies of men in marble statues. He definitely spent more than his fair share of time in the gym.

But his most impressive feature by far was his dick. He wasn’t even erect and he had the biggest dick I’d ever seen up close and in the flesh. The wicked part of me longed to reach out and stroke that beautiful shaft of his, but of course I refrained. I was a professional after all.

“See something you like?” Dylan asked.

His face flushed when he noticed me staring. Yes, I was staring. Realizing I was caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar, I sucked in my breath and covered my eyes. I’m not sure who was feeling more awkward right now, me or him. My money was on me.

“Sorry. I’m turning around now.” I clumsily turned keeping my hand over my eyes even though with my back turned it really wasn’t necessary any longer.

“No need to now, I mean, you’ve already seen the goods.”

“I really didn’t see much.” I opened my eyes, lowering my hand.

“First you ogle my junk and now you’re insulting me.” He walked past me, the towel once again tied firmly around his waist.

“Insulting?” It took me a moment before it clicked what he meant. “Oh no…. No. I mean you have an amazing penis. Beautiful.”

“Uh-huh.” He grinned as he sat down on the sofa.