Chapter 1
Robyn Vaughn, she was my latest contract.How in the hell did she get herself put on my list? My list was reserved for bad people – very bad people who did bad things to worse people and were now paying for it with their lives. The Robyn I used to know, the one that I remembered with bittersweet memories, would never get mixed up with the likes of the drug kingpin, Gabriel Salvatore.
But it had been almost six years since I'd seen her; two weeks after prom she’d taken off without a word.
My god, Robyn Vaughn...
A smile crept onto my lips as my mind flashed back to prom night.Prom night had been her first time and she'd been so nervous. Despite my desire to ravage her, I'd taken my time ensuring it was a special and memorable experience for her.
"So, the boss wants it done by the end of next week at the latest." I looked across the table at the man who was hiring me on behalf of Gabriel.He was a tall, thin, greasy looking dude. I hadn't liked him from the moment he sat down across from me. He looked as though he were one hit shy of an overdose. No loss there.
Clicking my tongue off of the roof of my mouth, I considered a moment before asking a question I never ask. Getting involved in the why’s of a hit did little to no good. "What did she do?"
"Does it matter?" he responded.
Normally it didn't. Normally. My job was simple, take the contract and execute it. Period. I got paid for the job and never looked back. When you were in my line of work you did the job and ignored the media coverage on the target, if there was any. You told yourself you were simply taking out the trash and that was that. Many of these lowlifes were squeaky clean on the surface, but it wasn't until you began peeling back the layers that you discovered the darkness they held within. I knew this and that’s why I never hesitated in pulling the trigger.
My mind flashed back in time and I saw the image of Robyn's vibrant red hair fanned out around her head on the white pillowcase of the crappy motel room I’d rented – though neither of us cared.Her faintly freckled cheeks had been glowing crimson as she came down from the orgasm I'd given her with my tongue and lips.
The girl I once knew would never get caught up with the likes of Gabriel Salvatore, I thought, the disbelief in this situation still running through my mind. She had been such a goodie-goodie. How she ever got caught up with the likes of me back then was a wonder to me. Maybe she had a thing for bad boys and criminals in training?If that was the case, then her fetish for them had been a very bad life choice that didn’t end with me.
"Yo. Brother. You taking the job or what? I don't have all day to fuck around with you on this. You’re not the only game in town, bro." He pulled back the hand that was extended to me, along with the envelope that contained the first half of my cash payment.I got half now and half after the confirmed kill.
I reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling it back to me and snatching the envelope of cash from his grubby paw. Opening the envelope, I peeked in and nodded.They wouldn’t dare rip me off, so counting it wasn’t necessary.
Tapping the corner of the envelope on the table I eyed the man. Boy, I'd like to do the world a favor and put a bullet between his eyes. He was such a piece of shit. I’d even do it for free. But the hit wasn't on him – yet. Maybe someday in the future I’d go all vigilante and do the world a favor, just not today. Chances were not tomorrow either for that matter. But maybe one day.
"Just tell me what she did. As a professional courtesy." I forced myself to smile. Fuck, I hated playing all nicey-nice with this lowlife.
He huffed. "Fine. She fucked over the boss and knows shit she shouldn’t know. That's all you fucking need to know."
Hmm. I sat back on the brown vinyl-covered bench and looked around us scratching my chin, which harbored a couple days’ worth of growth. The little cafe was deserted with the exception of us and a young couple at the other end of the room. They were young, about the age of me and Robyn when we were together, and staring into each other’s eyes as if the world began and ended with the other person. So naive. I fell into that trap once – never again.
"Fine." I tucked the envelope into the inside pocket of my jacket and stood, stepping out from the booth.
The douchebag stood as well and then leaned into me. "Don't fuck this up or the next hit we order will be for your head."
Rage filled me. How dare the little weasel threaten me! Grabbing him by the front of his scrawny neck I lifted him into the air and slammed him onto the table. The table creaked but supported his weight and the force of his body. The quiet murmuring of the couple at the other table stopped and I could feel their eyes on us.
Leaning over him, my lips close to his ear I growled, "Don't you ever, EVER threaten me again. If you do I’ll track you down, cut your tongue out and ram it up your ass."
He gasped and choked as my grip tightened while his hands attempted to forcemy hand from his neck. My grip around his neck was like a vise. He wasn't getting away until I was good and ready to release him.
“Do I make myself clear?”
He stopped squirming and looked up at me with hate in his gaze.
“Blink twice if you understand.” I tightened my grip on his neck to the point his eyes were nearly bulging from his head.
He hesitated and then blinked twice.
I adjusted the binoculars as I watched Robyn through her kitchen window from the rooftop of the adjacent building. Her apartment was in a dingy, crime-infested part of Brooklyn. She stuck out like a sore thumb in this area.