Strolling over casually, I lift her tote off the chair, enjoying the startled flutter of her long lashes as I lean in close.
“Here, let me get that out of your way.” Ignoring her flustered protests, I hang the bag on a hook, then sit down right next to her. Close enough that her bare knee is just barely brushing my thigh. I drape an arm across the back of her chair and shoot her a lazy grin. “So tell me, butterfly, what’ve you got in there that’s so heavy?”
“Oh! Um, you know...” Willow laughs self-consciously as color rises in her smooth brown cheeks. “Girl stuff. Safety supplies. I guess I’m just used to being prepared for anything.”
“Anything, huh?” I raise an intrigued eyebrow. “Why’s that?”
“I’m a park ranger,” she explains, tucking a wayward curl behind her ear. “I spend a lot of time out in the wilderness. Since I spend a lot of time alone in the ranger station, I’ve learned to always be ready for whatever comes up. Take care of myself, you know?”
Reaching out, I gently cup her chin, tipping her face up to mine. Her breath hitches softly, and her lips part.
“Well, you’re not alone tonight, sweetheart. You’re with me. And as long as I’m around, you never have to worry about taking care of yourself. That’s my job now.”
Willow blinks at me, her eyes widening in surprise. "Your job? What do you mean?"
I just smile, brushing my thumb tenderly across her plump bottom lip. "You'll see, butterfly. You'll see."
The performance passes in a blur, the soaring melodies and lush orchestrations barely registering.
All I can focus on is Willow beside me.
I watch her out of the corner of my eye, drinking in every tiny reaction, every shift in her expressive face. The way her eyes shine as Maria twirls across the stage. The musical sound of her laughter at Uncle Max’s antics. The dreamy sigh that escapes her lips during Edelweiss.
As the cast takes their final bows to thunderous applause, Willow leaps to her feet, clapping enthusiastically.
“Wasn’t that amazing?” she gushes as the lights come up, turning to me with a radiant smile. “The Sound of Music was my absolute favorite growing up. I used to sing all the songs into my hairbrush, twirling around my bedroom. Tonight just brought back so many happy memories.”
I can’t help but chuckle at her excitement. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart.” I stand and offer her my arm.
This time, Willow takes it without hesitation, her fingers curling around my bicep. Then we stroll out of the building and across the parking lot to where her little blue hatchback is parked.
Willow turns to me, her eyes soft and sparkling under the streetlights. “Well, this is me. Thanks again for tonight,” she says. “I had a feeling Drew wouldn’t want me third-wheeling in his booth with Eliza.”
Right on cue, a woman’s playful squeal rings out. Willow and I swing around just in time to see my knucklehead brother hoisting a giggling Eliza over his shoulder and tossing her into a waiting limo.
Willow shakes her head and sighs. “Can you believe those two? Talk about a whirlwind romance.”
I quirk a brow at her. “What, you don’t believe in love at first sight?”
She snorts. “No. Why, do you?”
I shrug, holding her gaze with a small, crooked smile. “Sometimes you just know.”
A gorgeous blush stains her cheeks. “Um, well, it’s getting late, so I better...”
“Hang on a second, sweetheart.”
I reach out and pluck her phone from her hand. After flashing the screen at her face to unlock it, I smoothly enter my number, hit call, and feel my own phone buzz to life in my pocket.
“There,” I say, handing her phone back with a grin. “Now you’ve got my number. And I’ve got yours. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Oh.” Willow bites her lip, obviously flustered but clearly fighting a smile. “Okay. Um, good night, then.”
After she climbs into her car, she shoots me one last dazed look. I wink at her as she pulls out of the space.
Oh yeah, sweetheart. This is happening.
Just you wait...