A grin spread over Kian's face. "So, it is a boy after all."

"Of course," Annani said. "We all knew it was going to be a boy."

"Right." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations, grandma."

"Congratulations, uncle."

"I'll be in my office if anyone needs me," Merlin said. "I'll send Syssi and Amanda in when they get here."

As the door closed behind the doctor and Kian shifted his gaze to his new nephew, his eyes softened, and his smile turned tender. "Congratulations, Alena, Orion. So, does this strapping baby boy have a name?"

"He does," Alena said. "But we decided to wait for Amanda and Syssi to get here before we name him. You know how upset Amanda will be that she wasn't here when he was born."

"Yeah, she will." Kian pulled out the one chair that was in the room for Annani. "Please, sit down, Mother."

Annani did not argue. It was not that she was tired, but with everyone towering over her, she was more comfortable sitting down.

The door swung open, and her daughters, one by birth and the other by marriage, walked in, both looking rushed and sweaty as if they'd run the entire way.

"Oh, Alena, he's beautiful," Amanda gushed.

"Adorable," Syssi whispered.

"Where is Allegra?" Kian demanded.

"With Merlin." Syssi walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Evie, too. The guy is in heaven, holding one on each knee."

"Do you trust him with them?"

Syssi gave him a scolding look. "What kind of question is that? Of course, I trust him."

Smiling, Annani shifted her gaze to Orion, who still looked shell-shocked.

"Do you want me to help hold him?" Hildegard asked the new father.

He nodded, but even though it did not look convincing, Hildegard lifted the baby off Alena's chest and put him in his father's arms.

Orion's face was a mask of wonder and terror, and he looked like he might faint at any moment.

Kian chuckled, putting a steadying hand on the new father's elbow. "Breathe, Orion. He is a beautiful, healthy baby boy."

Orion nodded jerkily, his gaze never leaving the perfect face of his son. He took a few stumbling steps forward, his arms cradling the infant like he was made of spun glass, and then he went down to one knee in front of Annani.

"Clan Mother," he said hoarsely, his voice cracking with emotion as he held the baby out to Annani. "Meet your grandson, Evander Tellesious."

Annani's heart swelled with love as she took the child into her arms, marveling at his solid weight, the impossibly soft brush of his skin against hers. "Evander," she repeated. "A beautiful name for a beautiful boy."

Looking at the tiny face, she drank in every detail of her grandson's face, committing each tiny feature to memory. The slope of his nose, the bow of his lips, the wispy curl of hair that clung to his scalp. He was perfect, a miracle in miniature, and Annani already loved him fiercely.

She dipped her head and brushed a kiss on the silky soft cheek. "There is nothing better in the universe."

Orion was still kneeling in front of her, his hands twitching as if he longed to take the baby back and cradle him close to his chest.

Annani smiled, shifting Evander in her arms and giving his father a reassuring nod. "Do not worry, Orion. I have held hundreds of newborns in my time, and I have not dropped one yet. Your son is safe with me." She stood up with the baby securely held against her bosom.

Orion pushed to his feet as well and hovered nearby as Annani walked over to her daughter's side.

Alena looked radiant, her face flushed with the glow of new motherhood, her eyes bright with joy and love. She held out her arms as Annani approached.