"I certainly will. This is fascinating."
He put his arm around her. "Maybe you'll discover that archeology is your passion."
"Maybe." She raised her glowing face to him, lifted on her toes, and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you for bringing me here."
"You're welcome, but you've seen nothing yet."
Marina gasped as they stepped out into the sunlight, her free hand flying up to shade her eyes against the brightness. Peter had been right about the place being drenched in sunlight. It was almost as sunny as it was during the cruise.
The lush greenery was perfectly manicured, with narrow paths intersecting green lawns and patches of bushes and trees. There was a large pond and a playground, where several Kra-ell children were playing, most of them hybrid.
Out of everything that Marina had expected to see, this sight was the most shocking. The children were playing, laughing, yelling, and running around like human kids. She'd never seen them doing that in Igor's compound.
They had been highly disciplined, and their days had been spent learning and training.
Evidently, not only the humans of the compound had been freed, but also the Kra-ell, whom she used to think of as her masters.
"Welcome to the village, Marina," Peter murmured as he pulled her into his arms and spun her around in a giddy circle.
Clinging to him, she laughed, the sound bright and carefree to her ears.
Behind them, Alfie trundled along with their luggage and a long-suffering expression. "Are we walking or calling for the cart?" he asked.
Marina's eyes widened, her head whipping around to face Alfie. "There are carts?"
"There are," Peter confirmed. "But I thought we could walk so I can show you everything on the way and give you time to drink it all in."
Marina nodded. "I'd like that." She laced her fingers through Peter's once more.
They set off, with Peter pointing out the café, where people were sitting and having coffee and pastries. Recognizing her from the cruise, probably because of her blue hair, some smiled and waved, and she smiled and waved back.
As he showed her the office building and the clinic, Marina fought the impulse to look at the playground again and this time observe the parents. Or, more to the point, assess their response to seeing her.
But there was plenty of time to make assessments, and right now she needed to show Peter how happy she was to be in the village and respond with joy and enthusiasm to everything he was showing her.
He seemed even happier than she was about her being with him, and she didn't want to spoil the fun for him by introducing a potential problem he hadn't given any thought to.
"Do you want to see the playground?" Peter asked. "You keep looking at it."
"The children just look so happy. I never saw the Kra-ell kids smile like that back in the compound or heard them laughing out loud. It was always so grim, so oppressive there. I can't believe how quickly they have changed." She shifted her gaze to Peter. "It seems like the liberation of Igor's compound happened so long ago, but in reality, it didn't."
Peter nodded, his smile softening as he looked at the children. "It's easy to get used to good things. Jade is doing an incredible job with her people, but it wasn't smooth sailing by any means."
Marina chuckled. "I bet. They are such a combative people. I think they need a strong leader just to keep them from killing each other." She winced. "Sorry. I forgot that you dated one of them."
"I don't think Kagra is like that. She wants to be like Jade when she grows up, and she is emulating her leader. She's also more levelheaded than most of the other pureblooded females."
Marina didn't like that he thought so well of Kagra, but she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut and not say anything snippy about the female. It would only make her look petty and jealous.
As Peter led her to the newest section of the village, he explained that it was home to the Guardians and council members, and he seemed excited about showing her his house.
They crossed a small pedestrian bridge, walked up the street for a few minutes, and then Peter stopped in front of one of the houses. "This is it. That's where we live." He turned to her. "Your new home."
"It's beautiful." She lifted her head and kissed him on the lips. "Are you going to carry me over the threshold?"