Bridget smiled. "The kitchen is seconds away, and if anything out of the ordinary is registered on the monitoring equipment, our phones will sound the alarm."
"Oh, okay." Jasmine hid her embarrassment by turning to look at the slightly open door to the prince's room. "I didn't know that. I should check on him."
"I'll come with you." Edgar followed her.
When she walked up to the prince and gazed at him, Edgar walked around to the other side of the bed.
"He looks good." He lifted his eyes to her and smiled. "He's handsome. I was afraid he would look like the Kra-ell. Jade is pretty, but she's a bit too alien-looking for my taste, and the males look too feminine with their long hair and narrow waists. They are strong bastards and fierce warriors, so their looks are misleading, but still. If I were a female, I wouldn't have been interested. Then there are their strange mating rituals. No thank you."
"What strange mating rituals?" Ella hadn't said anything about that.
"They are violent, and they fight for dominance." He grimaced. "Did you
watch Star Trek: The Next Generation?"
"I did. I loved it."
"Remember the Klingon matings? It's something like that."
Jasmine shivered. "I'm glad that the twins were celibate and were not exposed to such barbaric practices."
"Yeah, me too." He smiled sheepishly. "Let's go see the princess."
Jasmine was also curious, but mostly, she wanted to get Edgar out of the prince's room. "Let's do it."
As they slipped inside the other room, Jasmine sucked in a breath. "Oh, wow, she looks much better as well."
The princess was beautiful; her features were delicate and finely wrought beneath the fragile skin, and her body was long, lean, and graceful. The few strands of hair still attached to her head were stringy and the same color as the prince's. A warm chestnut brown that would be gorgeous once it was restored to health.
"She's beautiful," Edgar murmured, his voice soft and filled with a quiet reverence as he studied the princess's face. "Regal, even. But it's a shame that her hair is in such bad shape. It would be better to shave it all off, let it grow back evenly." He looked up at Jasmine. "She'd look good bald. She has the bone structure for it."
Jasmine snorted. "Are you smitten, Edgar?"
He shrugged. "A princess is probably out of my league."
She laughed. "The prince is out of my league as well, but that's not stopping me. Why should it stop you?"
Edgar was silent for a long moment, and his brow furrowed as he considered her words. And then, slowly, a small, rueful smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth. "Would it be a little creepy for us, as former lovers, to be involved with the twins?"
She winced. "Yeah, it is a little creepy. But given that we are dealing with ancient aliens who are royals from another world, I think we're allowed a certain level of weirdness. As long as we don't mind and they don't, what's the harm?"
"Fair enough."
He stirred, his eyelids fluttering open as he emerged from the depths of sleep. For a moment, his mind struggled to reconcile the strange surroundings with the fragmented memories that danced at the edges of his consciousness.
Slowly he turned his head, his gaze falling on the female curled up in the chair beside his bed, and a smile blossomed on his face.
Jasmine looked soft and relaxed in sleep, her dark hair spilling over her shoulders in soft waves.
Extending his arm, he tried to reach the strands with his fingers, but the bed was too high, too far away. He tried to move sideways and stretch his arm closer, but his arm was already trembling from the effort, and his muscles were still weak.
With a groan, he tried harder to force his body to obey his commands, but he'd reached his limit and had to give up. It was unsettling to be trapped within his own flesh and unable to control his most basic functions.
Perhaps he could rest a little and try again.