Setting his drink down, Kian was considering the input. "Let me see how they are doing today and if Bridget has more insight about how to proceed. Hopefully, I will have more for you to share with the queen in your conversation with her tonight. But until the twins are awake, there is little point in you going to the keep."
Jasmine sat beside the prince's bed, her eyes fixed on his face.
Had anything changed?
His color was better, his face looked a little less hollow, and she could see his chest rising and falling as he breathed. It was progress, and she shouldn't expect more after only two days.
It seemed so much longer, though. It felt like the small patient room and the chair she was sitting on had become her entire universe. She'd gone up to the penthouse last night after Bridget had kicked her out, but she couldn't fall asleep, and after a few hours of tossing and turning, she'd come back down.
Thankfully, Bridget had been nowhere to be seen, and the nurse was much more sympathetic and let Jasmine stay.
Rising to her feet, she glanced at the slightly open door to make sure no one was watching her and started a stretching routine to get her blood flowing and relieve the stiffness in her muscles. After a few leg swings and arm circles, she moved into gentle yoga poses and concluded with a spinal twist to further unwind her body.
She should go to the penthouse and have something to drink and eat. Her friends had given up on calling her to join them for meals, but they had been kind enough to leave her leftovers in the refrigerator so she wouldn't starve.
Another option was the enormous commercial kitchen where she'd had coffee on the first day. Perhaps she could find something in its long row of refrigerators. What the heck did the clan need such a big kitchen for in its underground facility? Did they host parties down here? There could be a banquet hall somewhere for weddings and other celebrations.
She should take the opportunity to explore a little and see what else was there. The catacombs should be fascinating, but they were too creepy to visit alone, and she doubted she would find anyone to take her there.
Margo and Frankie had gone with Toven and Mia to the Perfect Match main office in the city for a tour, and Ella had returned to the village. Gabi had taken over the office in the penthouse to conduct Zoom calls with clients, so disturbing her was out of the question. She'd even posted a note on the door warning everyone not to knock or enter.
The gods were somewhere in the lower levels, working on the equipment they had salvaged from the pod, probably with William or others from his tech team.
Jasmine sighed.
She felt like a ghost, floating in limbo, not knowing what the future had in store for her. She didn't even know how long she could stay in the penthouse. She needed to talk to Kian and find out his plans for her.
Casting one more look at her prince, she slipped out of the room and was heading toward the clinic's main entrance when the door opened, and Edgar walked in.
In one hand he held a cardboard tray with two paper coffee cups, packets of sugar, and wooden sticks for stirring, and in his other was a large brown paper bag with something that smelled delicious.
Chocolate croissant. Jasmine was willing to bet that was what she was smelling.
"Hi," she said, looking at what he'd brought and hoping it was for her but not daring to assume. He had left in a huff after the celebration of the mission completion, and he hadn't been back since. "Who are you here for?"
He smiled. "You, of course. Who else? I came to see how you were doing and thought you could use some pick-me-ups."
"Oh, Goddess, I can." She reached for the coffee first. "Thank you. You are a lifesaver." She motioned for him to join her in the seating area of the waiting room.
He sat down, put his loot on the low coffee table, and handed her two brown sugar packets with two wooden sticks.
Jasmine felt a surge of gratitude and affection wash through her. "You still remember how I like my coffee."
He chuckled. "Of course, I do. We've not been apart long enough for me to forget." He pinned her with his blue eyes. "Not that I will ever forget. I will always remember you, Jasmine."
Why the heck did he have to be so sweet?
Not knowing what to say, she removed the lid from her latte, emptied the two sugar packets inside, and stirred.
Edgar reached into the paper bag and pulled out two croissants and two sandwiches. One of the croissants had gooey chocolate spilling onto its wrapper. He also produced a stack of paper napkins and put them next to the croissants.
"My mother always told me to eat my sandwich first and the dessert later, but the croissants are warmed up, so I suggest you start with them. One has chocolate filling and the other almond."
Jasmine grinned. "That's what I intended to do. This chocolate croissant has my name on it." She tore a large piece off and took a bite.