Until the moment I see him lean down and talk into the ear of a woman that is standing very close to him.
Both of them laugh and smile, sharing what looks like to be an intimate moment.
She is gorgeous, blonde, and everything I’m not.
Suddenly I can’t breathe, and it’s not from his hot looks this time. And it’s not a figure of speech either, I literally can’t seem to get any oxygen into my lungs.
The moment he turns and our eyes meet, the room gets darker, and all I see is him running toward me as I start to fall.
No, this can’t be happening.
It’s not how my Cinderella moment was supposed to go.
This is not how everyone was supposed to notice me, but there’s not a thing I can do to stop it.
Don’t worry, Flynn, I’m about to become the next viral video on the internet of a woman making a fool of herself, to knock you off the most-streamed views.
I suppose you call that karma.
Chapter Twenty-One
The moment we walk into the ballroom, I can feel the sweat running down my back. My eyes scan the room as I do every time I enter one, especially an event as big as this. I knew that there would be plenty of people wanting to get that photo of Flynn to share with friends or waiting for him to do something newsworthy.
There is only one official event photographer allowed in the room, but with cameras in every phone in the room, nobody is safe from the gossip anymore.
Cherie leans closer to tell me, “If this was a real date, I would say you were really trying to impress me. This place is very glamorous.”
“Oh, this couldn’t be further from a date if we tried. Didn’t I mention I brought you here as my secret bodyguard? Just in case either Flynn or El want to murder me tonight. And both of those scenarios are in the cards, let me assure you.” Both of us laugh as we make our way across the room to where Forrest is standing at our table, but there’s no sign of Flynn. I know he’s here because his security detail messaged me to say that they had safely gotten him into the building without too much difficulty. Lots of photos, but thankfully, he managed to keep his mouth shut, and that is a miracle.
“Evening.” Forrest first looks at me sternly, raising his eyebrows in a signal of what the hell is going on, not expecting for me to be here with a woman that isn’t Elouise. But his manners get the better of him, and he turns to look at Cherie but is speaking to both of us.
“Hey, buddy. Forrest Taylor, this is my friend, Cherie Knight.”
It takes a second and then realization dawns on him who she is. “As in Cherie from this morning’s talk. That Cherie?” He’s confused but at least doesn’t look so pissed off with me now.
“I see my reputation has preceded me. Hello, Forrest.” Cherie holds out her hand to shake his.
“You could say that.” He laughs a little as he shakes her hand. “I just wasn’t expecting to meet you so soon.”
I shake my head. “No time like the present. Get it all out on the table in one day. Because as much as Nic keeps telling me it’s messy, I fucking hate messy.” I put my hand on Forrest’s shoulder, thanking him for not making Cherie feel uncomfortable.
“I’ll drink to that.” Lifting two empty glasses off the table and reaching for the champagne bottle, Forrest pours us each a glass, and the three of us make a toast for less mess in our lives after tonight.
I spot Flynn across the room talking to a group of businessmen and women that I recognize as the staff from the external law firm we use. He is laughing and looks relaxed, which is a good start. Like we all knew he would, he has bounced back and is ignoring the whole thing, publicly that is, but it’s behind closed doors I worry about him.
Leaning down, I whisper into Cherie’s ear, “That guy over there to your left, the one in the middle of the crowd, owning the conversation, is Flynn. The king of attention. Think you can break him?”
Both of us chuckle as she answers, “Never met a man I couldn’t break. Challenge accepted.” As the words leave Cherie’s mouth, I can feel eyes on me, and my body is on alert.
Elouise is in the room, I can sense it.
Turning to look toward the door, it feels like my heart has stopped beating.
Fuck me!
My lady in red.