“I’ve got you, Flynn. You don’t have to apologize for anything. The person who took that video does, and they will be on their knees in front of you and Felisha when they do. Talk later.” Hanging up and laying my head back on the couch, I throw my phone down next to me and let out the biggest sigh.
I need to fix this.
All of it!
I didn’t quite time it right when I finally went home, and as soon as I saw El, I knew I made the right decision not wanting to talk to her yet. The hug from Blaise felt amazing, but I knew if I touched El I wouldn’t leave, and that wouldn’t be good for either of us. So instead, I left her standing in front of the house thinking I’m the biggest asshole after the way I spoke to her.
Pulling up out the front of Cherie’s studio in the Porsche is not ideal because it’s not in a good neighborhood, but that’s why it’s here. She is trying to make a difference with the kids who need her, and the reality is they come from the worst areas and live hard lives. Normally I bring the Range Rover which isn’t a whole lot better, but the kids are likely to think it’s an undercover cop car and leave it alone. The Porsche just screams wealth.
Getting out, I grab the bag off the front seat that I brought with me from home when I quickly threw some gym gear in it. My other bag is still in the back of the Range Rover because I haven’t needed to see Cherie since we got back from Scotland. My energy is being used in a far more enjoyable way than getting challenged in a boxing ring.
Standing on the pavement and looking back at the car, I push the lock and alarm system. I walk toward the door, but something doesn’t feel right. I hate that feeling because I’m normally right. Not seeing anything as I look around, it’s probably just the lack of sleep and being the most wrung out I have been in a very long time. My senses are off, and I just need to get back in control.
“I thought I’d finally got rid of you.” Cherie laughs at me as I pull the gloves on.
“Don’t want to hear it. Don’t hold back.” Shaking out my arms, I try and loosen them up.
“That shit doesn’t fly with me, big guy. Get your fists up and start talking.” The first jab hits me in the ribs just under where I had my arms up. My concentration is off, and I’ve got a reaction speed worse than Blaise. “Fuck, you haven’t been this useless since you first started with me years ago. Fucking hit me, or did she take your balls too when she screwed you over?”
The explosion I have been holding in since last night erupts at the words she just threw at me. “Don’t talk about her like that!”
Thump, duck, cross, duck, and this time she connects with me.
“Who, the girl you’re regretting letting in?” The more she yells at me, I’m struggling to hold it together.
“No! I didn’t let her in, she just pushed open the door, and I couldn’t stop her.”
Shit, that jab into the gut takes the wind from my lungs.
“So now it’s not worth it because the bitch has screwed you over. Is that it?”
“Not… a… bitch!” I grab her in a hold while I try to get my breath back. “She’s a precious jewel that I need to protect from people who want to steal her.”
Cherie ducks out of my hold on her and pushes me, trying to get me moving again.
“Why would they steal her?” Cherie calls as she stumbles backward from a few punches from me.
And I feel like I’m releasing a burning flame from my heart. “Because they don’t fucking know she’s mine!” I can’t hold back. Letting go of everything inside me, I unleash hellfire on Cherie.
Punch, punch, punch, punch. Repeatedly, and she just stands there letting me go until I’m slowing enough, then she whips her leg out around mine. I find myself on the mat on my back, looking up at one of the only people in this world who I’ve given every piece of me to, and she has taken good care of it.
“God damn it, she’s mine.” My voice a little less aggressive, just sucking in the air I need to even be able to get up.
Standing there just waiting me out, Cherie holds her hand out to help me up, but my stubborn ass won’t accept it. I need to pull myself out of this crazy mess, and it starts now.
“Okay, asshole, do it yourself.” She steps back from me, allowing me room but not walking away from me on the mat. “Now we are getting somewhere.”
I position my feet in the stance to balance myself because I know we aren’t finished.
“Now, what are you going to do about it?” Cherie starts pushing me again, a few jabs into the air that this time I manage to dodge.
“Don’t know. The timing is fucked up.” I’m moving quicker on my feet now, the more I start talking.
“Why?” It’s all she needs to reply, and it all starts pouring out. Everything with El and the Flynn problem that has just complicated everything. I keep going, and she doesn’t let up on me until I physically can’t do anything more. With the last kickboxing move she landed on me that has me face down on the mat, Cherie has her elbow in the middle of my back, and I tap out.
After I strip off my gloves and towel down my body from the sweat that is running after such an intense workout, I drop into the seat across from where Cherie is sitting drinking her water.
“Well, that exorcized some demons, didn’t it?” She laughs at me rolling my eyes at her.