Australia has just evened up the score, so it is two all, and Blaise doesn’t care whose side he is on, he just gets excited because it’s fun to him. Thank goodness the clock has just ticked over to the end of the first half, and the room is settling down while everyone uses the time to use the bathroom, get another drink, or check their phones. They all tell me they switch off from work to relax, but the truth is they do as much as they can, but I’m learning a business this big never sleeps.
Preparing a tray of desserts that Flynn turned up with, I carry them into the lounge, bending down so Blaise can pick something before the vultures all descend. Because apparently, no matter how full you are, there is always room for dessert.
Just as I’m standing, Tori who is curled up on the couch next to Nic starts talking to me.
“Oh yeah, Lou, I forgot to ask you, mainly because I’ve hardly seen you, did you organize that babysitter for Blaise for that charity event on Friday night that we all are booked in for?” My stomach does a flip at the thought of being at a big event, while on the inside, I feel so anxious around the people who are usually the ones who calm me at these events. But I know there is no getting out of it.
“I did. Miss Larissa from Blaise’s school is going to be here. She does babysitting, trying to earn a bit of extra cash, which is perfect for us as he knows her, and we are comfortable with leaving him alone with her.” Carrying the tray, I move around the room to Forrest who takes his time picking. He’s always the cautious one in the room and can’t be rushed.
“Yay!” Tori squeals a little too excitedly, and my “oh no, what is Tori up to” radar fires up. “I have invited a plus-one for you for the night. It’s about time you get out and start dating. I mean, Rem can’t keep you locked up here forever.” By now I’m standing in front of Rem with the desserts, and the sheer panic of her words has me overbalancing, dropping the front of the tray, and the sweets start sliding off into his lap at the same time he pushes off the arms of his chair and stands up, looking like someone just picked a fight with him.
There are cakes everywhere! I’m standing here so flustered that I don’t know what to say, and Rem pulls the tray from my hands. I can see the rage in his eyes, but he instantly pulls on that work face I have seen before where he appears calm.
“Sorry,” is all I can say, and to everyone else it looks like I’m apologizing to him for dropping the cakes on him, but we both know it’s so much more.
Sorry I’ve put us in this situation. Sorry I’m not strong enough to speak up for what I want, but most of all, sorry that I’m going to have to go through with this, otherwise Tori is going to start pushing me about why I’m refusing.
“I would’ve been her plus-one if she needs a date. I’d be the perfect gentleman.” Flynn thinks he is being funny, but it only makes it worse.
“Victoria, stop trying to be a matchmaker. Elouise is a grown woman who doesn’t need your help.” Nic takes the wine glass out of her hand, knowing that nobody needs a drunk Tori here tonight.
“Oh, shush you. This is what best friends do for each other. Isn’t that right, Lou. It’s a girl thing, and I just want her to be happy like I am. Well, most of the time anyway. You drive me crazy most days, but the benefits are worth it.” Tori is oblivious to me standing still, looking so stunned, and she continues on her reasoning. “And Flynn, we have all told you that Lou is not interested. I don’t know when you are going to get it through your thick head.”
“How can she not be interested in this hotness? I mean, I’m a perfect catch,” Flynn replies, while Forrest is groaning beside his brother.
Still, I haven’t said a word, but Rem’s deep voice echoes in the room.
“Not happening!” The anger in him makes me jump a little. “She doesn’t need a date.”
I can feel the burn of his stare deeply, right into my core. He’s angry and feels unable to control this, and that’s my fault.
“Don’t be an asshole, Rem. You might be her boss, but you don’t control her love life. Actually, we have you to thank for this date. I tracked down Blaise’s pediatrician, Dr. Keats, the one who hit on Lou. He was more than happy to take a ticket at our table and support the Children’s Cancer Foundation. He was wanting to go but didn’t have a table to sit at so was glad to have company.”
“So, is he just at our table, you didn’t actually tell him it’s a date with Elouise?” Forrest asks. I can always rely on him to see things simply.
“Oh, of course, I’m not that crazy. Lou would kill me if I had done that. But if they are sitting next to each other, I can’t be held accountable. It would be rude to ignore the man all night, and I mean, he is scorching hot.” Not for the first time in my life I just want to scream at Tori to shut the hell up and stop the word vomit. Her pushy personality paired with a little too much damn alcohol strikes again.
“Watch it, woman.” Nic is scowling at her for the comment about Dr. Keats’s looks.
“He’ll sit next to me.” Rem places the tray of now ruined desserts that everyone has forgotten about on the side table.
“Not a chance, he’s not interested in fu… um, fudging you.” She looks toward Blaise, remembering he is in the room and what she was about to say.
“Tori!” Finally, I find my voice, and it’s not to stick up for myself but to protect Blaise. “Little ears.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. Anyway, it’s already sorted, he is coming, and we need to find time to shop this week to find you an uber-sexy dress that will have him drooling over you all night.”
“I suppose it’s just one night, one dinner…” I try to answer her to defuse the situation, knowing full well that I won’t need a dress, because I intend on faking sickness that night.
But my sentence is interrupted by Rem’s phone ringing, and all the guys are reaching for theirs too, with notifications starting to signal out loudly across the room like crazy.
“Talk to me,” is all Rem says to whoever is on the phone, knowing with all the phones going at once that something big is happening.
“Fuck!” Flynn says with anger.
“I knew this would happen, stupid old prick.” Nic stands quickly, and it seems all concern about a small child in the room has gone out the window.
“Oh, this isn’t good.” Forrest is looking at Flynn with sadness, and my mind starts catching up on what I think has happened.