I shouldn’t have expected anything less when I hear Rem’s phone ringing with the ring tone that he has just for Nic. He would have known what time we were due to arrive, and he is being impatient as always. It’s corny but the words from “Down Under,” by Men at Work come out of the phone and echo off the stone walls, announcing it’s Nic calling. Can’t say I’m disappointed I missed it, but apparently Nic did an atrocious rendition of this song at karaoke the night the boys landed their first big hotel purchase together. I can’t picture that from Nic, but it’s amazing what people will do after way too many drinks.
Nic hates that all the boys have their ring tone set at that, and they keep promising to change it, but so far, he hasn’t won on that one.
“Seriously, I’ve been here five minutes, and you are already calling me.” Rem already sounds frustrated, but I can see by the look on his face that he understands the pressure that Nic is under and how important it is for his boss.
Deciding to leave them to it, I start up the steep stairs. They aren’t fancy, and I’m sure that once it becomes a Darby Hotel, it’s one of the first things that Tori will be changing. There is something about a grand staircase that gives you a feeling that opulence and luxury await you at the top. And that’s exactly the feeling that Nic will want his guests to experience upon their arrival.
I just want to take the chance to peek around the rooms and see what it’s like before I drag my bag up here. Besides, the fact that as soon as I started to walk toward my bag, Rem scowled at me, and I could tell what he was trying to say to me with just one look: “Don’t you dare touch that.”
The rooms are similar sizes, but all decorated differently. I know nothing about styling and décor, but even I can tell that this will not be up to Darby Hotel standards.
The last door I step through at the end of the hallway is to a room filled with dark wood panels halfway up the walls, navy embossed wallpaper, and a beautiful big wooden four-poster bed as the star attraction in the room. It is set against the wall opposite two windows that look out toward the large trees behind the castle. Of all the rooms I’ve seen on this level, this is the one I would pick to stay in. It feels warm, inviting and the sort of old-world luxury I can imagine would be set for the man of the house. It’s masculine yet still has a softness to it in the way it is accessorized.
On the wall to the side of the bed there is a large painting of a man standing behind a woman seated on a chair. He is dressed in a suit while she is dressed in a full-length dress, long sleeves, and neckline buttoned all the way up to her neck. The only indication that they are together is his hand resting on her shoulder in a possessive way. But both their faces are stoic and wiped of any emotion. In fact, he looks surly and like he is grumpy at having to stand here and pose for the piece of art.
What was it with the artists of the late seventeen hundreds, early eighteen hundreds that I’m guessing this is from. Surely it would have been a better painting if they were smiling, or she was looking up at him with love and adoration.
That look that says it all without saying a word. Where you can’t breathe when they are near, yet your body can’t help but be drawn closer to them. It’s an expression showing that once you have found that person that the universe kept just for you, you become whole. They fulfill your needs with every part of them. I feel a shiver pass through my body, and I can’t focus on what it is, my arms instinctively wrapping around my body, holding tight as my mind is fixated on these two in the painting.
Did he love her?
Was it an arranged marriage like many of them were back then?
Or was he just an alphahole like a few rich men I know—actually, one in particular that I left downstairs about to get into a heated argument with his boss for hounding him as soon as we arrived. There are many times that Rem gets all broody and withdraws into his office at home. I can never tell if it’s about work or something else. Some nights after dinner he disappears to what I assume is a gym because he comes home all sweaty and retreats to shower and bed for the night. I mean, I don’t doubt he’s tired after his workout, because any man who looks like he does, packed with solid muscle, must go hard. Toned so perfectly that his chest looks like it’s been chiseled by a sculptor to be admired by all.
Oh my God, what is wrong with me?
Why have I gone from looking at an old piece of art where you can barely see a piece of skin to fantasizing about Rem’s body and sending me into a heightened state of arousal that I definitely don’t need to be feeling right now. Especially when I’m about to be sleeping in a castle with this man for the next three nights, all on our own.
Hearing his footsteps coming toward the room, that same shiver runs through my body again, and I know I need to get out of here and make myself busy doing something… yes, something other than what my brain is thinking about in a very detailed way.
Meeting Rem in the hallway, I can see he is in work mode already. His call with Nic has him focused on why we’re here.
“Sorry about that. Anyone would think the arrogant boss man is going to die if he doesn’t get this castle. Probably lucky he didn’t grow up with money, because chances are he would have been a spoilt rich kid, demanding what he wanted.” He’s holding my suitcase he has brought upstairs with him.
“Dare you to tell him that to his face.” I laugh at the reaction he would get.
“I just did but not in so many words. Did you pick a room?”
I can’t think straight because all I’m thinking about now are the abs that are under that navy shirt that is the perfect cut to hug him in all the right places.
So much for erasing that thought from my mind.
“Um, yes, the navy one at the end of the hall will be fine.” Rem passes me like he is on a mission just to get rid of my bag and jump into whatever he needs to do.
Before I even have time to move from where I’m standing, he is back and muttering about how he will take the first room at the top of the stairs, the one that looks like a unicorn farted a rainbow in it. I try not to laugh, but one thing I know for sure is that I think it’s an excellent choice because it’s as far away from me as possible. He probably thinks it’s perfect because no one can get past him to get to me, always on guard.
Following him down the hall, he comes back up the stairs with his bag as I reach the top. Standing aside to let him pass, he comes back down the stairs behind me so quickly.
“I’m sorry, Elouise, I need to get to work. Would you like to take the car and head into town and take a look around, maybe grab us some food for an afternoon snack? Check out if there is a restaurant for dinner, and I promise to be finished by then so I can report to Nic and get him off my back.” Rem holds out the keys of the Audi that we picked up at the airport.
“Oh wow, I’m trusted to drive now that I don’t have the precious cargo of Blaise in the car.” I take the keys out of his hand before he changes his mind. I haven’t driven a car since I moved in with Rem, having my own driver assigned. There has been no need, well, in his eyes anyway.
“Don’t push it, El, you are just as precious to me as he is. Now be careful on the roads, you don’t know them, and it will be getting dark soon.” He’s got his arms crossed and a stern look on his face to make sure I’m listening to him.
“Okay, Dad, I think I will be fine. There’s this thing called GPS that will keep me from getting lost and lights to help me see the road in the dark.” I knew as soon as I opened my mouth, I was poking the bear that was already agitated.
Covering the three steps that were between us, Rem is so close that as I step back a little to give me space, my back hits the wall, and his face is so near as he leans into me to make sure I hear this.