Page 43 of The Desire

“Is everything okay?” My voice has a quaver of panic that has Tori looking at me with worry too.

“Oh, sorry, yes, there are no problems at all. I’m just calling to book in those extra tests that we needed done so we can monitor Blaise’s heart murmur. Do you have a moment so I can give you some dates and times?”

“Yes, sure, I just thought it would have been your secretary calling me, so I was a bit worried.”

“I had a few minutes, so I just thought I would touch base and see how Blaise is settling in and how you are finding your new job.” In the back of my head, already I’m thinking the doctor never calls to book in tests, this call is more than that.

“Oh, thank you, yes, we are both doing fine. He is starting to learn a few words and catching on very quickly. We haven’t had any problems. He is eating and sleeping well, so fingers crossed that just continues.”

“And how are you finding working for Mr. Elders? Is he treating you well?” Why is he asking about me?

“Yes, he is, it’s a great job. Sorry, I’m at the park watching Blaise. Is there any chance you can just either text or email me the details of the appointments and I’ll make sure we are there?” I roll my eyes at Tori because I need to shut this down before he gets any idea about taking the conversation to a place that I’m not interested in.

“Of course, sorry, I don’t want you distracted from watching him. I’ll send it through now, and we will see you soon. Have a good day, Elouise.”

“Thank you, you too, Dr. Keats.” Pushing the end button on the call, I can’t help the groan falling from my lips.

Refocusing, I check that Blaise is exactly where he should be. He’s still standing on the tower shaped like the front of a pirate ship that’s attached to the bridge, now with another little girl and boy joining in their game.

“What was that all about?” Tori is already laughing, and I know full well that she could hear Dr. Keats on the other side of the call. She has expert hearing and doesn’t want to miss out on any gossip.

“Dr. McHottie seemed more interested in me than Blaise. I mean, what doctor calls to book in your appointments? Aren’t they normally busy helping sick people?” I flop back in the seat with exasperation.

“Wait, how hot is this doctor and why is this the first time I’m hearing about it? Spill it, woman!” She is instantly sitting up straight and turned toward me.

How can I tell her the whole story, including the way Rem reacted to the doctor flirting in the appointment? Telling her part of the story gives the exact reaction I was expecting from her.

“Lou, why aren’t you playing up to him? You said he’s hot, successful, obviously likes kids as much as you do, and is into you! Far out, here I am telling you we need to find you a man and there is one landing in your lap. Get on that, girl!” No matter how high-class the world Tori is in now, she will always be my Tori, the one I love. Straight to the point, no beating around the bush.

“You are crazy. It’s so not appropriate to be hitting on my client’s doctor. Plus, now is not the right time. I need to devote all my time to Blaise until he is more settled into his new life,” I say, waving to Blaise who is calling to me to watch him go down the slide.

“Bitch, that’s crap. You don’t have to put your life on hold for Rem and Blaise. It’s a job, but you are still entitled to a private life. What if this guy is the love of your life and you let him get away? You will never know unless you put yourself out there. I’m coming to that next appointment with you. I’ll have you on a date with Dr. McHottie before you know it.” She slaps her hand on my knee, and we both start laughing.

“You are so not coming with me. That would be a disaster and we both know it.” Standing from my chair, I wave for Blaise to come over so we can find a spot to put the blanket out and have something to eat.

“You’re no fun. But don’t you worry, I will find a way to get you on that date.” Her wicked grin has me worried, but I’ve got to let it go as Blaise comes running toward me and hugs me around the waist. He is obviously having a lot of fun, and that is my main priority right now.

“This conversation isn’t over, Lou,” she whispers to me and then takes Blaise’s hand, and the two of them walk off to find a spot to eat. He has already taken to Tori even though they can’t communicate. She has that big-energy personality that he gravitates to, which is great for both of us.

But for now, I just need to change the subject with her and concentrate on feeding both of them so she can get back to work, and we can play a bit longer before we head home.

However, all I can think of during lunch are the words that Tori just said:

“What if this guy is the love of your life and you let him get away? You will never know unless you put yourself out there.”

She thinks she is talking about Drew, but all I can picture is Rem, and I wonder if he is the man that I’ve let get away.

It’s too late now, though, because I have already shut the door on that possibility. And thrown away the key.


“He did what!” I scream down the phone in my office.

“Mr. Kentwall felt it was the best option. He gave you all extra time, but nothing was solved, so he solved it all for you. He asked me to pass on to Mr. Darby that he now owes him for keeping his name out of the tabloids.” Sandon Bock sounds like a robot as he rattles off the speech that he had probably rehearsed before he called me. His boss told him what to say, and it’s obvious that he doesn’t agree, but he has no choice.

“We don’t owe him shit! We didn’t ask him to do that. How can he guarantee that the footage is completely destroyed, and this person is not going to come back for more money or sell it to the tabloids anyway? All he’s done is fucked us all over. So, you can go tell him this from me, that if his daughter ends up on the front page of the papers and all over the internet, naked and exposed, then he only has himself to blame. I’m sure Felisha will agree. Pigheaded old man. Thanks for nothing, Bock, let’s hope there is no need for us to work together again.”

I don’t even give him time to say anything. I’m so furious that I slam my phone down on my desk so hard that it should have a smashed screen, but luckily it survives again.