Page 42 of The Desire

“The unknown.” It’s the only word that can describe it.

Chapter Nine


The last few days has seen everything start to fall into a nice routine. Blaise and I work on words in the morning, and then we spend the afternoon playing. Today I want to take him out of the house and get him used to being with me on his own out in the car and around other people.

We have planned to meet Tori at the park near The Darby Hotel’s head office and have a late lunchtime picnic. I was going to drive, but Rem has insisted that I use the driver he has assigned for me whenever I go anywhere. His reasoning is so I can concentrate on Blaise and not have to worry about traffic, parking, or Blaise getting upset or confused if things don’t go to plan.

For someone who told me he never planned on having kids, he sure is an overprotective father already and one that I think is going to drive me crazy. Not that I can say anything, because he calls the shots here, and it’s early days.

We have packed some cold meats, cheeses, bread, and of course, a salad full of greenery for the bride-to-be who is supposed to be watching her weight. Hidden inside the basket is a little chocolate treat for Blaise, and it’s not really him I’m hiding it from but Tori who is a champion at sniffing out chocolate from miles around.

“Okay, we are almost here,” I translate to Blaise whose face has been glued to the window since we left the house. Luckily, the car seat has him high enough he can see out.

I haven’t heard from Tori since I messaged her that we were on our way, but she is probably in a meeting or busy. I’m used to her crazy schedule. To be honest, I haven’t really noticed it before now, because during the day, I’m too busy in the classroom to even think about talking to Tori.

Art, our driver who I’m sure is more than a driver if Rem has anything to do with it, pulls the car up to the side of the road next to Regent’s Park. Already I can see Blaise getting excited at being able to get out and run around in the open space. It must be such a huge adjustment for him to come from a home where he spent his days running over the mountain with absolutely no restrictions. Even at Rem’s house there is a garden, but still, it is nothing like he’s used to. So, the park is the first time he has seen a large open green area since he arrived in London. One that he is about to be allowed to put his feet on and run off all his energy, and for a four-year-old boy, that sounds like heaven.

I try to explain to him before I open the door that he must stay with me and where I can see him and is not to go with anyone else except for me, Tori, and Art, who I’m guessing is our bodyguard. I don’t want to scare Blaise, but he needs to understand that this part of the world is different from what he knows.

Taking his hand, we leave the car and start walking to the southern end of Regent’s Park, Marylebone Green. It’s the part of the park where I saw in my internet search that there is a wonderland of play equipment, just perfect for what we are after. So, I arranged to meet Tori there. The backpack is my makeshift picnic basket, because of course, Rem doesn’t own one. But to be honest, the backpack keeps my hands free to deal with Blaise easily.

Already the noise of the other kids has him skipping toward them and almost pulling my arm out of its socket, while I’m trying to keep up with him. Finding a safe spot where I can see him and again having a quiet talk to him about our rules, I let him run off onto the playground equipment and join in with the other kids. Being school holidays, it is probably busier than normal here, and some of the kids are older than Blaise, but he seems to be coping quite well. I don’t know who he used to see and play with, and I plan on bringing that conversation into our play time. I don’t want to be constantly trying to drag information out of him. I want our relationship to build and for me to be a safe person for him, someone he trusts, and not the person who is only ever being annoying.

“Elouise,” Blaise yells to me in his adorable accent, waving from the top of the slide and waiting until he has my attention so he can slide down. Grabbing my phone, I video as he lets go and squeals with delight. I can’t stop smiling as he races around to the stairs to line up again.

I need to talk to Rem about getting some play equipment at home. With the amount of energy that Blaise has, I think a trampoline would be perfect. Because let’s be honest, who doesn’t love to bounce? Maybe we can get one big enough that it will hold my weight too. There’s a reason I’m a teacher; it gives me the opportunity to become a kid for a small part of every day.

“Oh wow, he is loving that.” Tori’s voice from behind me has me jumping a little, as I was so focused on Blaise and not game to take my eyes off him.

“I doubt he has ever had a slide or maybe even seen one. He is loving life right now. Plus, the more energy he uses, then there is a higher chance I’ll be able to get him to sit still long enough to eat something and tonight’s bedtime will be easy.”

Tori sits beside me, and we look like chalk and cheese. Her in her Jimmy Choo heels, black business pants, with a yellow fitted shirt under her black jacket. Hair pulled back in a tight bun, her face looks like she just stepped off a model shoot with her impeccable makeup. And here I am looking like a parent of a four-year-old, even though I’m not. Jeans, trainers, a white t-shirt with a yellow smiley face on it, and a navy sweater that is hanging on my back with the arms tied together on my chest. Comfy and practical is going to be my way of life for the next year. If I was at school, I could dress up a little more, but to spend the day with a four-year-old, it’s just not practical.

“I’d love to see where he lived one day. Maybe when he is a little older, we can all go on a little trip to see his home. Of course, only if it wouldn’t be triggering for him.”

Leaning back on the seat now, Tori makes herself comfortable, crossing her legs, and her phone is sitting on her lap. Even though it’s on silent, it is constantly vibrating. I would hate that, but I know it’s part of the business world.

“Just ignore my phone. Nic and Rem know where I am, and the rest of them can just damn well wait.” Closing her eyes, she lets the sun fall on her face like she hasn’t been able to sit in the fresh air for days.

“Don’t get sunburnt, that won’t be a good look in a wedding dress,” I say, watching her sunning herself.

“Like my skin isn’t going to burn red like a tomato the moment we land in Australia anyway. Last time we were there, oh my God, it was so hot. It’s like Nic’s skin was immune to it, but I just looked like my skin was as dry as the Sahara Desert after the sun sucked all the moisture from it. And that was in their winter.”

“You really are a drama queen, aren’t you.” I watch Blaise trying to talk to another child on the pretend pirate ship bridge. I’m curious to see how he goes, not knowing what the other little boy is saying.

“That’s what amazes me about kids,” I say, and the change of subject has Tori opening her eyes and sitting up to find out what I’m talking about. “They don’t even speak the same language, yet they are making friends to play together. So cute.”

“Why can’t adults be the same? If it’s that simple for them, surely, we can all manage it.”

Reaching across, I squeeze Tori’s hand and smile at her. “Now you know why I love to work with kids. Everything in their world is just that simple.” I’m so happy that Blaise is playing, and the smile on his face is so bright, telling me he is having the best time.

Before I can say another word to Tori, my phone starts ringing in my hand. It’s an unknown number which normally I would ignore, but with so many changes happening in my life at the moment, I know I need to answer it.

“Hello, Elouise speaking.” Tapping Tori, I point at Blaise, to which she gives me a thumbs-up, understanding that I need her to watch him while I take this call. I love that we can communicate without words, that’s how close we are.

“Elouise, it’s Dr. Drew Keats, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” I’m confused about why he is calling me, but then my brain starts panicking that something serious came up on the tests that he did on Blaise.