Page 40 of The Desire

“Yes, I won’t go in super early so I can see Blaise before I leave.” It’s only been a few days, but that little boy has already buried himself in Rem’s heart.

“Okay. I’m off to bed, good night.” I walk away this time before he can see how much his soft side makes me swoon over him.

“Night,” I hear him say behind me as I make my getaway, thinking about what tomorrow will now bring, being my first day as a nanny on my own.

Really, it will be just like a normal day for me, but the truth is, it’s the part of me that is already thinking about how much I will miss having Rem around that I am trying to put a lid on.


“I know we have been over this, but seriously Flynn, what the hell were you thinking!” Standing in Nic’s office, I’m staring him down, but I know it’s having no effect on him. It’s like I’m his father standing here, about to give him a lecture. Which makes absolutely no sense with him being older than me, but if you count age in maturity, then I’m old enough to be his damn grandfather.

“She was hot. We were having a drink at the bar, it became fun and flirty, and when she offered a night, I took the chance. Nothing different that any of you would have done in the same circumstances.” He huffs a bit at having to explain himself.

“Yeah, maybe so, but not with one our biggest competitors’ daughters, for fuck’s sake.” I shake my head at him, but he’s just smirking back. “Okay, well, I hope it was a good fuck because now we need to clean up your mess.”

“What’s the worst that can happen? People get to see these buns of steel pounding into her as I gave her the best night of her life,” Flynn remarks as he turns and slaps his ass cheek, punctuating his point.

“What is wrong with you!” Forrest growls at him. “How are we even brothers, seriously.” He’s standing to the side of Nic’s desk with his feet spread slightly, shoulders back, arms crossed, and all the body language that tells me he is pissed and trying to hold off from punching his brother. “Do you think Mum and Dad really want to see you plastered all over the tabloids and across the internet having sex with someone? Imagine them at the local pub having to cop that every time they go in for lunch. Start thinking about someone else for a change. Surprisingly this is not just all about you. And what about Felisha? How do you think she is feeling right now knowing that her naked body is about to be exposed to the world—assuming she had nothing to do with it, which I’m not entirely convinced of, but still, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.”

Flynn’s about to open his mouth to reply to his brother, but Nic doesn’t give him a chance.

“Enough!” He’s sitting in his chair, arms on the armrests and looking like he is the king on his throne. In a way he is, but we won’t let him know that.

“I don’t want to hear this crap. Rem, where are we up to with it?” All heads turn to look at me, and just like that, we are back to being four businessmen who are trying to solve a problem.

“Ian is on it, and Broderick touched down from Australia this morning. When I spoke to him, he said give him twenty-four hours and he will have it sorted. And we are not to pay any money to this bitch. So, we sit tight while my team sorts this. If she reaches out again, then we will send back an email, stalling. I’m about to meet with Felisha, her father, and the head of their security team to try to stop them from reacting. We need to portray a united front. I know their security guy, and I’m sure he will be on the same page as me. Paying them money will never guarantee that the video won’t be posted anyway. We need ammunition against this woman so her blackmail actually has no power, and instead she is the one who needs to watch her back. Everyone has a past, and if there are any secrets in her closet, Broderick will find them.”

Flynn falls back on the couch in his normal spot, with his head back against the leather. He lets out a sigh that tells me he finally understands the gravity of it now.

“I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t know.” He runs his hand through his hair, staring at the ceiling, which I think is so he doesn’t have to look any of us in the face.

“We know, Flynn,” Nic says, “and I’d be more pissed if you did. You were trapped and had no control on the outcome. Let the team handle it, and you just lie low until it’s sorted.” Nic is calmer than I would be if my company name was about to dragged through the mud. Although Flynn had nothing to do with the video being filmed, I still expected Nic to be ready to tear shreds off us all. Because we don’t know what angle they are going to spin this story, and no matter if it is fake news, people still believe what they read. So I just need to make sure it doesn’t make it that far.

“Better still, Flynn, call Felisha and invite her for dinner so you can talk. And before you say you don’t want to talk to her, if she is out with you, then she is not off doing something dumb and making this situation worse.” I can see the wheels in Nic’s head turning like he has an idea.

“Just don’t fuck her!” Forrest mumbles under his breath.

“You think I’m that stupid?” Flynn throws his arms in the air at his brother’s comment, and all of us look at each other and burst out laughing.

We are all replying at the same time.

“Yep,” Nic answers calmly

“Absolutely!” Forrest is the loudest.

“Totally.” I think of all the times he has let his dick lead him astray. The seriousness of the moment is broken, and the plans are ready to be put in motion.

After we all get over giving it to Flynn, I know I need to get moving.

“Right, I’m out of here. I need to get over to Kentwall’s office and try to soothe the old man down, and then I’m heading home to work from there.”

“I am sorry you have had to come into the office because of me instead of being with Blaise.” Flynn looks at me with guilt for pulling me away from home.

“It’s fine, I’m sure Elouise has it all under control.” Walking toward him as he stands, I hold my hand out and slap it against his and take him in a bro hug. “Besides, it’s what we do. We have each other’s backs.”

Flynn just nods at me, and with that, I give a chin lift to both Nic and Forrest and leave the office. All I can think about is how El and Blaise are and how much I’ve missed them this morning. Which is a shock to me because I’m not used to having anyone to think about. But today, it has felt so different to have my work brain invaded by the thoughts of my home life. I’m going to need to learn how to shut that out because I can’t be thinking about them when I’m trying to keep everyone around me safe.

Compartmentalizing at its best.