Page 74 of Love's Hot

Thinking about my family and telling them about Kane, I wonder what bets my brothers will now be able to think up. Maybe I should beat them to it and have a bet with Alesha on how long before one of them gives him the ‘be good to my sister or we’ll kill you’ talk. Being the youngest, they’ve always been very protective of their baby sister. Alesha and I both had the problems at school of boys being too scared to come near us because of our brothers. Where Alesha just kept to herself, I used it as a challenge to see which boys I could make out with, before my brother found out.

Lord help me if I have children and get girls. Karma couldn’t be that nasty to have a daughter turn out like me. We’ll butt heads and be constantly exploding like firecrackers. Maybe I should warn Kane now. Actually, I’m pretty sure he already knows.

Sitting here watching my man, eating and scrolling through Facebook on his phone catching up on his social media, I can’t believe how my life has changed. A few months ago, I wasn’t even thinking one tiny little bit about children, or any permanent relationship for that matter. Now I can’t imagine life without him. I lived it for a few weeks, I felt like it almost killed me and I’m not going back there. I plan on making sure he knows that every single day. He’s stuck with me, no matter what.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kane picks up his coffee to take a sip, smiling. That smile will get me every time.

“Just happy. In here.” I pat my heart and a couple of little tears slip down my cheeks.

“Me too, baby. Happier than I’ve ever been.” Picking up my hand, he kisses the back of it. Then he leans forward to whisper to me. “Don’t get used to this sappy lovey-dovey Kane, your wolf is lurking just below the surface and will raise his head looking for his Red very shortly.”

“He better. He was part of the overall package that I had on the ‘try before you buy’ deal. I’ll be asking for a refund if I don’t get the full package I signed up for.”

Kane leans back and roars with laughter, a real deep belly laugh.

“You’re hilarious sometimes. Does that mean I’ve passed the trial period and now I’m a permanent fixture under the contract you entered into?”

“Yes, as long as you follow the rules listed in the contract, you’ll be fine.” I lean back in my chair, sipping my coffee and just admiring the view. The arms that are sticking out from under the tight shirt he has on, showing off his chest that’s hard as rock. Hmm, might need a napkin to catch my drool in a minute.

“They better be the same rules as the trial period. Rule one, fucking is for fun, with the amendment to take out the line of no feelings, no attachment, no awkwardness. They’re no longer applicable. Rule two, however, is non-negotiable, to be honest. I’m in charge in the bedroom, full stop, end of story! Oh, and of course the other rules about not being with anyone else still stands. You’ve seen what happens to anyone who thinks they can touch my girl, so they do so at their own risk. Like you need anyone else when you have me anyway!”

Very proud of himself, he leans back with his arms behind his head.

Fuck me, he’s hot.

I don’t know about his list of rules, but he sure as hell has ticked everything on my future date list. Except the plane, but if he joins me to the mile-high club one day, then I’ll let that one slide.

“I think I can manage those rules. Number two is still debatable, but we’ll see how we do with that.” I count in my head waiting for the reaction. Ten, nine, eight…

“Start moving, Red, we’re leaving, right now. I’ll show you how debatable rule two is.” And there it is, he didn’t even make it to seven. Standing, he throws money on the table to cover the bill. He’s at my side and assisting me out of my chair as I try so hard not to laugh at him.

He leans down and whispers in my ear.

“I hope you know what you’ve started. I’m going to fuck that sassy right out of you, my little Red.”

Hello my Wolf, welcome home.

Oh, how I’ve missed you.


The rest of Tuesday is spent rewriting the rule book. Can I just say some of the new rules are my new favorites? How my body made it through the day and all the extra negotiating that happened is a miracle. I had plenty of phone calls from my family as they all found out what had happened. Mom demanded to see me so she could confirm for herself that we’re both okay. I managed to push her off until tomorrow.

Kane was given special leave today, but he’s expected in the station tomorrow to continue all the paperwork that’s now needed, and for further investigations to strengthen the case for court. He’ll be in much better frame of mind now that he's spent a day with me. He has cleared his head and his guilt, used up three weeks’ worth of testosterone, and is all soft and mellow. The police department can thank me later.

It will also mean back to work for me. My staff will also be thanking Kane wholeheartedly along with my family. The bitchy Lilly has left—well, for now anyway—and Lilly who is on a high has taken her place. We’ve gone to my apartment and collected clothes for a few days for me to stay with Kane. His reason is so I’m not alone if he’s at work, Xavier and Alesha being downstairs. I told him he’s full of shit, he just wants free access to my body. He didn’t deny that either, which has me tingling all over.

Lying together in bed tonight was different. A calm has come over us both. It’s like we’ve stopped fighting against what we don’t want and wasting all that energy. Instead, we’re finally enjoying everything we so desperately want.

“Lilly,” Kane whispers from behind me as we’re spooning naked in the moonlight shining in through the open window. We’re both in a totally relaxed satiated state.

“Mmm,” I murmur in my sleepy voice.

“Thank you for never giving up on us. No one’s ever fought for me. I will always love you for that.” He kisses my shoulder. My heart is melting. I knew there was more to Kane than he let anyone see. Finally, I know without a doubt I have all of him. Right to the core.

“I will always fight for us because that’s how much I love you. Besides, no one else knows how to handle me. Only you. Only my wolf.” I have tears bordering on spilling out again. I have never been so emotional in my life as I have since Kane showed up. Maybe that’s the gift he’s giving me. A place to just let everything free. My soft landing.

“Sleep, beautiful, tomorrow we have to adult.” I hear his breathing slowing and know his eyes are closed.