Page 68 of Love's Hot

“What makes you think I was talking about sex, Dad?” I ask all innocent.

“I might be old, princess, but I’m married to your mother. Let me assure you, I know all about a woman’s superpowers when it comes to the love of their life.”

Oh god, and I had to ask. My hands cover my ears because I don’t want to hear any more. My eyes are scarred too from the vision I’m picturing. It gets me every time my parents talk or hint about their still-active sex life. I need to stop leaving the gap wide open for the comments.

“Okay, you win on the too-much-information game. Let’s move past talking about your and Mom’s sex life, please.”

Dad lets out a loud chuckle. “Look, all I can say to you, sweetheart, is that you need to trust Kane. I think there’s more to this than you know. From what I know of him from the night we had to rescue Xavier, he’s a good man. I can’t believe he would just dump you and run off. That’s not the sort of man he is. I suggest you hang in there.” He reaches out to put his hand on my shoulder. “Just answer me one thing. If he walked in here this moment, what is the first thing you would say to him?” He looks me straight in the eyes and into my soul.

I can’t lie to my dad. “I love you and please be with me. I need you.” It’s too much now the tears start to flow. Just little trickles coming down my cheeks. Dragging his chair closer to mine, Dad pulls me in for a cuddle. “I never knew love could hurt so much,” I mumble into his shoulder.

“Ah yes, but it can also be such an amazing feeling too. One that nothing will ever match. Your mom and I have been married for a very long time. Can I tell you, it’s not always perfect. There have been times we’ve both hurt each other, badly, and where I wasn’t sure I would recover. But the good thing about love is that it has a built-in forgiveness part. If you are truly meant to be together, then the love will always shine through all you throw at it. This will just be the first of many speedbumps in your relationship with Kane. He’ll be back for you. I’m certain of it.”

I remain with my head lying on his shoulder, letting all he has said sink in.

“I don’t know if you’re right, Dad, but I really want to believe that you are.”

“Believe me, princess, that man loves you whether he realizes it yet or not. As soon as he does, then he will be back for you. I promise.”

“I hope so, Daddy, I really do.”

We finish our dinner and just enjoy our time together. Time gets away from us and before long, Mom is calling to check when Dad is picking her up. He walks me back to my car and I say my goodbyes. He settles me in my car where I tell him I just need to reply to a couple of text messages. He makes me lock my doors and then he drives off to get Mom. I was hoping maybe there might have been a message from Kane, but I guess the book today is all I’m going to get. I just had this feeling all afternoon that he was close by, but it’s just wishful thinking.

Starting the car and getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, I notice most of the street is shut down for the night. Just a few random couples heading into a place across the street. It seems weird because it has no signage at all but there’ve been three different couples heading in there while I was in the car, plus several men in groups. Maybe it’s one of those secret bars that are all the rage now. Any other time I would head over and check it out, but tonight I’m just not in the mood.

Starting my drive down the street, I’m thinking about the bath waiting for me at home when a couple, about to head into the door where everyone was going, turn to face the street.

My stomach drops and my world comes crashing down again.

What the fuck is Kane doing here and who the hell is that girl he’s wrapped around?

All dressed in a tight red dress.

Oh no you don’t, lady!

He better not be calling you Red, or shit’s about to get real.

He’s mine and I’m prepared to fight for him.

I pull the car to the side of the road.

Lipstick perfect, heels on, I’m ready to take on the world.



NIGHTS LIKE TONIGHT you just want over before they begin.

You’re full of stress, worry, adrenaline and scared shitless hoping that everything will come together the way you plan. People will be saved, no one gets hurt, arrests are made, and everyone gets to go home at the end of the night to their loved ones.

There’s no one waiting at home for me. My job is to make sure Jessie arrives home safe to those who are waiting for her, especially Adam. No physical harm will happen to her. It’s impossible to save her mental health. What we saw last night will stay with her forever.

We’ve gone over this plan so many times today with all the team, as well as the special victims unit who are on standby to assist in the raid along with SWAT. This operation has been so tight-lipped; we don’t tip off the police officer that we believe may be involved in the club. We really don’t know what we’re facing in the way of weapons. We didn’t see any guns; however, I imagine they’re in the building. There has to be some sort of force used to get the girls to do as they’re told. Jessie and I spent time alone today just going over what our plan is, our signals to each other and what we do in the worst-case scenario that we get split up.

For evidence purposes, we will both be wearing a very tiny inconspicuous recording device tonight to capture any data we can. We both have a tiny tracking device on us that will help with the raid to know what room we’re in and where the torture area is.

We’re in an Uber on the way to the club so that we arrive without anyone seeing where we come from. The Uber driver lets us off down the street a little, so as not to draw attention to ourselves entering the club.