I don’t trust anyone anymore.
That realization sits like a boulder in my stomach, accompanied by this inexplicable sinking feeling like I’m steppingin quicksand.
How sad must my life be to never trust anyone, to never allow anyone in? Life has conditioned me to fear the creatures walking this earth. All they do is take, take, and take from me, without any thought to how their actions will affect me.
But no more.
An idea begins to form—the barest roots of one that haven’t yet sprouted into anything tangible. Perhaps it isn’t even roots but a mere seed.
Either way, it’s the best I have.
I lower my head demurely and allow my lashes to flutter shut. To the outside observer, I appear pliant and submissive. Sweet, innocent Kassandra, always doing what she’s told. They don’t see the conniving beast lurking just beneath the surface.
The beast they created.
So when Aleksander grabs my wrist and tugs me down the tunnel, I don’t fight him.
The tunnel goes on and on for what feels like forever. We eventually reach a gaping exit that leads out to the barren, acrid desert—nothing but golden sand and sunlight as far as the eye can see. The hills ripple and dilute like yellow water.
Almost instantly, I’m covered in sweat. My blonde hair sticks to my cheeks and forehead in a way that I’m sure is repulsive.
Why does the Summer Court have to be so blasted hot all the time?
I study my surroundings with a keen eye…and there, in the far distance, I see what I’m looking for.
I tug on Aleksander’s arm and point towards the largest hill blocked in by two smaller ones.
One of his eyebrows quirks upwards. “Yes?”
I pantomime drinking.
“Water?” he asks, frowning.
I nod eagerly.
He studies the decrepit landscape—nothing but sand, sand, and more sand—before nodding. He knows as well as I do that we won’t make it long without water and transportation. It’s too Gaiadamn hot, the air scorching and dry.
I lead the way, trying to ignore the erratic thundering of my heart. Trepidation battles with something akin to guilt in my chest, but I shove both emotions away with steadfast determination.
Instead, I turn my attention towards Aleksander, who’s studying his surroundings like, well…like a hunter. Fitting, I suppose.
I wave a hand in the air to capture his attention, only dropping it when he turns to stare at me.
I gesture towards my bicep and then quirk an eyebrow.
“The Mark of Chaos,” he murmurs, correctly interpreting my unspoken question. He purses his lips and resumes his rapt perusal of the surrounding desert. “I’m afraid there’s not much I can tell you.”
I make a strangled scoffing noise that momentarily pulls his attention towards me.
“Don’t give me that look,” he chides, his tone more lighthearted than before. “You know I’m a sucker for those puppy-dog eyes.”
Puppy-dog eyes?
He must see the confusion on my face because he chuckles.
“We have animals called puppies in Amorite. They grow up to be dogs. They’re…well… Would it ruin my terrifying reputation if I say they’re cute? Elves often have them as pets.”