Fear for the icy prince threatens to plow me over. I grip Draven’s arms desperately, making sure I have his attention, before releasing him to sign.
“You need to free him!”
I know Calan. He would hate being locked away in a cramped, dirty space. He’s probably losing his mind now that he can’t follow his usual routine.
Is he hurt?
What did Draven do to him?
“Calm down, birdy.” Draven’s frown is a slash of pink across his handsome face. “Your prince is fine. I just needed to…borrow something of his.”
“What do you mean by that? And who is the other fae down there? The one who looks like you?”
“Come. Sit.” Draven moves to sit on the edge of his bed and pats the spot beside him.
I remain standing, glaring at him.
Even sitting down, he’s still taller than me. Sometimes I hate being short and petite. All of these males practically tower over me, their frames lined with muscles I could never hope to have.
Draven doesn’t seem perturbed by my refusal. Instead, he simply crosses his legs and rests his elbow on his knee, considering me. I feel stripped naked under his penetrating, all-seeing gaze.
“You’re not going to believe me even if I were to tell you the truth.”
I venture a single step forward, refusing to break eye contact. “Try me.”
“The fae in the dungeon… The one who looks like me…” He scratches at the stubble on his jawline. “That fae is Draven.”
His words take a second to process in my tired, weary brain. Even when they register, I don’t immediately react, sure I misunderstood him.
“You’re Draven,” I sign, frowning.
The smile he offers me then is almost…sad. Pitying, even. “No. I’m not.”
Slowly, his movements intentional and precise, he rises to his feet. Power emanates from his body—blinding light that makes me want to shut my eyes. It halos his dark hair and highlights the blond roots.
“My name is Sylvan. Prince Sylvan.” He bows at the waist, his eyes never leaving my own. “Heir to the Day Court.”
Heir to the Day Court.
Heir to the Day Court.
Heir to the Day Court.
I twist those words around and around, searching for any alternative meaning. Any hidden definition.
Heir to the Day Court.
Heir to the Day Court.
I can’t stand. My legs refuse to carry my weight.
I may have fallen if Draven didn’t capture my arm and guide me to the bed.
Heir to the Day Court.