There are only two things capable of eliciting such a reaction from me—other fae’s terror and Kassandra. Always Kassandra.
“Draven, release me.” Mikage attempts to infuse his voice with authority—authority he doesn’t truly have, not here, not with me—but I simply laugh and bring the tip of the blade to his eyeball.
“I notice that you avoided my question,” I purr wickedly. “I should pluck out your eyeballs for seeing what doesn’t belong to you.”
It wouldn’t be the first time. Eyeballs… Who would’ve thought they were so delicate? Mushy? All it takes is a little bit of pressure, a tiny cut here and there, and voilà. You have yourself a brand-new eyeball to display.
“I didn’t see anything,” Mikage insists quickly.
Too quickly. His cheeks and ears turn red again—a reaction he can’t quite hide, even as he attempts to flick his gaze away.
“You’re my friend,” I tell him softly. “Possibly my only friend.”
There’s no “possibly” about it. I don’t have a lot of fae in my life I trust, let alone care for. I thought once I reinvented myself as “Draven,” fae would come flocking, but that isn’t the case. They take one look at my scarred, disfigured face and run as fast as they can in the opposite direction.
I like it when they run.
It makes the chase that much sweeter.
Do I want my little bird to run from me?
Does she want to?
Once again, my cock responds to thoughts of the arresting female, straining against my trousers and pressing against Mikage. The blond-haired male stares down at me in blatant horror. I simply smirk mischievously and step away, twirling my blade around in my hand.
“Relax, my friend. This boner isn’t for you.” I readjust myself as Mikage rolls his eyes and steps away from the wall.
“I would be concerned if it was,” he quips.
Despite our closeness, Mikage and I don’t have that type of relationship—barring one drunken night years ago.
Mikage got a little…squeamish when I brought out my knife.
And that was the end of that.
Besides, I prefer females, despite being attracted to all sexes. And though Mikage hasn’t explicitly stated his preference, I see the way he looks at a certain blonde Death Whisperer…
“It’s rather sad, really.” I frown down at my erection. “It seems as if there are only a couple of things capable now of getting me hard.” I begin to tick them off on my fingers. “Kassandra. Thoughts of Kassandra. Memories of Kassandra. Invoking fear in Kassandra’s enemies. Threatening anyone who dares to even look at my sweet little bird. Hmmm.”
“There seems to be a pattern,” Mikage retorts dryly.
I blink. “Really? I don’t see it.”
Mikage snorts and shoulders past me, muttering something under his breath about “psychotic assholes.”
He couldn’t possibly be referring to me, could he?
I grin wickedly—and my smile only broadens when he twists to face me and I see blood marring Mikage’s skin, directly underneath his eye.
I can’t help but imagine Kassandra pushing up onto her tiptoes to lick at the droplet of blood with her tiny, pink tongue. Then, I’ll twist her head towards me and claim her perfect lips, tasting both her and him in that one kiss.
I don’t want to fuck Mikage or anything like that, but his blood? Yeah, I wouldn’t mind having a tiny taste.
Though it couldn’t possibly be as delicious as Kassandra’s blood. I think her cum and blood mixed together may be my new favorite snack.
Just the thought has me remembering the feel of Kassandra around my fingers. The way her pussy spasmed as I flicked her clit.
I wonder if I can still taste her?