This time, mercifully, he manages to keep his voice at a respectable volume. Still slightly too loud, but at least I don’t have to cut out his vocal cords and feed them to Runt.
“Yet we all feel the bond,” I point out. “And I’m not fae, so I don’t count.”
Treyton’s brows furrow together. “That’s…”
Unlike Blaze, it appears as if he’s at least considering my words.
“Saying that’s true…how the fuck is that possible?” Blaze jabs a finger in Kassandra’s direction. “Did she put some sort of spell on us or something?”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Treyton deadpans with an exaggerated eye roll.
Blaze bares his teeth at the Spring Prince but continues his line of questioning. “Is this because she’s the Death Whisperer? Are the bonds even real?”
“I can almost guarantee you that this is all because she’s the infamous Death Whisperer.” I hold the blade slightly in the air and twist it to and fro. The moonlight—completely unobstructed by clouds—reflects off the surface like polished silver. “And as for the bond being real…I can’t answer that for you.”
Blaze’s silent for a tick—so silent that I almost think he’s not going to continue the conversation—when he finally speaks. “Kassandra is the only thing that’s real in my entire life.”
A wistful sort of reverence crawls its way across his face.
“You love her,” Treyton breathes, horrified.
Blaze’s expression hardens instantly, and he folds his massive arms over his chest with a scowl. “How could anyone not?”
For once, I don’t have a response for that. I’m not sure if what I feel for Kassandra is love, lust, like, or an insane amount of infatuation. I’ve never loved anyone or anything before. Yes, I’ve had sexual partners, but they never meant anything to me. Those elves—and some fae—were just a way for me to pass the time when I wasn’t killing people. I figured that if I liked stabbing people with my knife, certainly I would enjoy stabbing people with my dick.
But with Kassandra…
It’s different.
I don’t quite know how yet, but I feel it in my soul.
She’s different from any female I’ve been with in the past. She’s warm and real and vibrant, and one look from her melts the ice that encased my heart for far too many years.
But is that love?
I certainly get a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever I think about her. And sometimes, my palms get a little sweaty and my heartbeat picks up speed.
Or maybe it’s just diarrhea.
I make a mental note to study the differences between the two.
I can see that Treyton is contemplating Blaze’s words as well, but for once, I can’t read the expression on the young prince’s face. He’s completely closed off to me.
“I’m not giving her up.” I don’t even realize I’ve spoken until both princes turn to stare at me.
“Never,” Blaze vows.
“You’ll have to kill me first,” adds Treyton resolutely.
The three of us survey one another critically. Keenly. Gauging the sincerity of our statements and checking for cracks in our armors.
They both say that now, but will they remain by her side when she ultimately gives in to the seductive pull of Chaos? When she brings about a storm of havoc they have no chance of escaping from?
And what will Kassandra do when she discovers the truth? Currently, she’s in the dark, but I know we can’t hide this from her any longer. Even if the others disagree, I’ll tell her the truth.
Will she accept all three of us? Four of us, if I’m right in my assessment of Calan? Will she only choose one?