He winks at me as if we’re sharing a secret, and I roll my eyes. Even still, I can’t stop my instinctive smile.
I don’t know what changed within the last few ticks, but the tension and posturing that has been saturating the air is…well, not gone, but it’s definitely not as prominent. Aleksander and Treyton almost seem to get along, which shocks me. Blaze is still a surly bastard, but I doubt that will ever change.
There’s an aura of comradery in the air that I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before, especially in the presence of the princes.
Back at the Spring Court, Blaze and Treyton were at each other’s throats constantly. And while they still regard each other with barely veiled disdain, they no longer actively try to hurt each other. Blaze even filled Treyton in on our mission—though he complained the entire time about the “princess” of the Spring Court coming with us.
“He probably never lifted a blade before in his life,” Blaze muttered.
Treyton didn’t even retort to the insult.
“Here. Good as new.” Blaze materializes behind me and thrusts a soaking, trembling Runt into my arms.
The poor pacon looks as if he’s been dunked unceremoniously into the water.
“Thank you,” I sign to Blaze, but the Fall Prince simply gives me the evil eye before climbing onto one of the mulnios.
It was decided that Blaze and Aleksander will ride on the mulnios, one in front and the other in back, while Treyton will drive the carriage. I was surprised Treyton was willing to do something so…demeaning. Driving a carriage is considered the work of a lesser fae or a servant, not a prince.
Yet Treyton simply flashed me a smile and a wink without complaint when the roles were assigned.
Now, I watch as Treyton slides onto the wooden bench and grabs ahold of the creature’s reins.
“Up you go, my lady.” Aleksander lifts me into the air and deposits me inside the carriage.
It’s cramped and uncomfortable, considering it also carries all of our supplies, but the wooden seat beats riding on the back of a mulino in the blazing heat.
Aleksander tips an imaginary top hat at me before clamoring towards his own mulino.
“Be safe.” Faye steps beside the opened carriage door and gives me a fierce look. “I mean it.”
I smile at her softly and offer a nod. I can’t make any promises—I have no idea what fresh hell I’m walking into—but I do know I’ve fought too damn hard to die now. I’ll travel through the Forest of the Damned, conquer the Fall Court if I need to, and then find the Bone King in Amorite to have this mark removed.
And then, for the first time in my miserable existence, I’ll be free.
An airy, bubbly feeling bursts to life in my chest.
What does that word even mean to me now?
Faye offers me one last smile and then shuts the carriage door, leaving me alone with Runt, who has curled into a wet ball on my lap.
The window supplies the barest amount of breeze to keep from suffocating. It’s too damn hot in the Summer Court, especially compared to the Spring Court I lived most of my life in.
“You ready, Kassie?” Treyton’s voice carries to me from the opposite side of the carriage.
In answer, I rap my knuckles against the wall.
The carriage jerks once and then takes off.
Hopefully leading me towards my freedom.
Once and for all.