“They’re not real,” Jude’s voice says evenly. “You’re stronger than your demons, Cher. Don’t let them win. Let’s silence them once and for all. I’ve got him. You do what you need to now.”

My eyes flicker up to his, the static dissipating. “Okay.”

“Little gir—”

Jude cuts Nile off. “What do you want to do, baby? I can shut him up forever if you want me to.”

I shake my head, digging into my purse. I pull out the vile of liquid, the same drug he used. I stare at it, and then throw it to the floor. That would be too merciful. “I want the knife,” I tell Jude, a bolt of courage shooting through me as Nile’s expression flashes with fear.

Jude nods, jerking Nile back by his hair and holding out the knife. Blood gushes from the wound on Nile’s neck, soaking his white dress shirt.

And it’s a fucking beautiful sight.

I smile as he wails and thrashes, grabbing for the wound. Jude easily tosses him forward, and then grabs his arms, hauling him up on his knees.

“He’s all yours,” Jude shoots me a wink that makes my stomach flutter. “You call the shots now.” My cheeks flush with heat and then Nile suddenly laughs.

“Stupid girl. He’s as psychotic as you.”

I tilt my head, furrowing my brow. “I know, and he’s the only man who will ever tell me what to do.” I plunge the knife into Nile's stomach, twisting it so deep, my hand is covered with warm, gooey, crimson liquid.

He screams out.

And now, I’m the one laughing.

“You’re such a little bitch,” I chide him, giving into the darkness fueling my rage. I look up at Jude. “Stand him to his feet.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pulls a sobbing, gurgling Nile to his feet.

I spin the handle of the blade in my hand, mulling over a weakening Nile, blood spilling from the deep gash in his gut. I’m certain he’s going to bleed out soon. My eyes shift upward to Jude’s.

“It’s your turn.”

His brows shoot up. “My turn?”

I nod. “Castrate him. Fix him. I don’t want to send him to hell with his dick intact.”

Jude bursts into treacherous laughter, and it sends a shrill of excitement through my body. “My pleasure.”

Nile continues to cry for his perverted life, but I don’t even see him anymore. I only focus on Jude, now switching places with me. My hands are sticky as they wrap around Nile’s wrists, and the gratification of being the one in control for the first time, pulling a move that he did so often to me, is powerful.

Jude rips Nile’s jeans down, a downright maliciously evil glare on his face. Without ever even touching him, Jude cuts the entire appendage off, blood now splattering all over Jude’s gray T-shirt. Nile screams bloody murder, and I release him forward, letting him fall on his face.

“How long until he’s dead?” I ask as Jude steps back, wiping his forehead, smearing crimson across it.

“I give him less than five minutes. He’s already unconscious now.”

“Hmm,” I mutter, and then eye the gun on the floor. “I don’t want him to see what’s coming next.” I pick up my .380, and in one swift move, unload one round into the back of his head. Nile’s body jerks violently.

And then it stills. Forever.

“Feel better now?” Jude asks me, wiping his hands on his jeans as he smirks at me.

I shrug. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Good,” Jude rasps as he lifts his shirt over his head. “Now get over here, because seeing you like this has me so fucking horny.”

I glance down at my soaked T-shirt, and pull it off, realizing the blood has soaked through. I unhook my bra and smear it across my chest. “Like this?”