However, his clammy hands manage to grip the barrel of the gun. I pull the trigger...

But the safety is on.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Nile pouts as I my eyes widen. “You’re being so bad. I’m so disappointed in you.”

I spit in his face, but it’s a mistake as he elbows me in the side of the head. My vision blurs, and he knocks the gun across the room.

‘He’s got you.’ The voice is back. ‘Just let him have what’s his again.’

My hands begin to tremble beneath him. “Get away from me.”

He leans in, his hot, acidic breath against my skin as his hands wrap around my wrist, his erection grinding into me. “I’ll never go away, little girl. I wish I’d brought your juice. I didn’t think you’d be so silly.”

My chest starts to hurt again, and my mind shatters at his movements against me. Internally, I’m searching for the vicious woman inside of me. But I can’t fucking find her. Where are you?

“That’s it,” he presses me down, fumbling my wrists to one hand as he begins to undo my shorts. Venom seeps into my veins, and I burn with hate. I kick a knee up, striking him in the balls.

But he doesn’t stop. He cackles.

“I’ve been waiting so long to have you again. You’re just a mess without me,” he runs his tongue along my jaw. “You were never meant to be a lawyer. You were meant to be my little girl.”

My teeth give way, chattering violently as he grinds into me. I struggle to break free from his grip, but he continues, moaning as he rolls his hips.

“I hate that chattering habit you have,” he murmurs into my neck. “I wish I could help you ease those precious nerves.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as the tears build up behind my lids. My body begins to freeze up, just like always—but something clicks behind us. “Jude.”

He stills, his face reddening. “What did you say?”

My eyes open as a tear rolls down my cheek, and I see the shadow coming for us. “I said, Jude.”

“Right here, baby.” The god of a man grabs Nile by his hair, straightening his body with a blade to his throat. Sweat pours down my fucking hero’s face, and I’m in fucking awe of him.

Nile’s eyes go stark wide, and he releases my hands. “What the h-h-hell?”

I slide out from under him as Jude breaks the skin, blood oozing from the cut. I look up at Jude, warmth spreading through my body. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I’m just sorry I got here so late,” Jude breathes out, giving me a remorseful look. “Are you okay?”

“She’s only okay with me—”

“No one fucking asked you,” Jude snarls, digging the knife into Nile’s throat. “You’re the biggest fucking creep, I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you for finding me,” I say, buttoning my shorts back, unphased now that he’s here.

“I’ll always find you, doll,” he grins as Nile stays stiff, paralyzed by his own fear. “But now,” he clears his throat. “What do you want to do with him, Black Widow?”

My lips part. “So you know then?”

He rolls his eyes as the knife digs even deeper into Nile’s flesh, more blood spurting. “Of course, I did. But seriously, decide what you want to do before I cut his fucking head clean off.”

“Don’t do this, little girl,” Nile chokes out.

‘Let him go,’ the voice screeches in my head.

My hands fly to my ears, my heart thrumming.