But your sister likes it.
Chapter 32
The Huntress
“How was Destin?” I ask Lydia as I slide on my shoes. Cash is bouncing like a happy little kid, while Duke sits patiently next to Lydia.
“It was nice. I think Emma is more than happy to be back with Luca though,” she laughs as she pulls her blonde hair into a ponytail. “She’s not used to being apart from him.”
“And you’re usually glued to my brother,” I reason, eyeing her with a smirk on my face. “You both are clingy women.”
“I guess that’s what happens when you find the right one.”
“Or when the right one is a controlling psychopath,” I reason, standing up straight and reaching for the door. I open it for the four of us to slip out, ensuring that I have my phone in my pocket. “I’m surprised Henry is letting you leave the apartment while he’s with the realtor.”
Lydia giggles. “Yeah, well, he let me go to Destin without him, so my guess is a walk with the dogs in the same city will be fine.”
“Touche.” Cash jumps paw to paw as I lead the way to the elevator, whining while I tap the button. I feel safe-ish going out with Lydia, mostly because Cash and Duke are coming along for the ride. However, I’m still counting down until I can slip off to Jude’s.
And let him slip in me.
I nearly laugh to myself, noting how nothing in my body rears its ugly head. No voices. No taunting thoughts or panicked reactions. I feel...okay—even with knowing that he’s out there somewhere.
Jude will find him.
And because I’m using a burner, there’s no taunting texts coming through either. I did give Henry my new number, but other than that, no one else has it. It’s the relief I needed, and maybe finally I can put the past behind me.
Including the Black Widow.
“So are you seeing anyone here?” Lydia asks me as we step inside. “I feel like Vegas might be a tough place to find someone serious though.”
“That would be correct,” I tell her, hesitating to say anything more. I stare at my feet, wondering at what point I’ll explain Jude to them. I know it’ll cause waves, even if it’s stupid for it to. It’s not like we’re kids anymore—and it’s not like I’m innocent.
I could be leading him to his death.
I shake my head to myself. There’s no way Henry would actually kill Jude. I mean, yeah, he’ll snap someone’s neck just for looking at me, but Jude is his best friend.
And the feelings are mutual between us.
“You okay?” Lydia’s voice comes out soft as she places a hand on my shoulder. “You seem off from your normal.”
“I’m fine,” I say as we step out of the elevator and head for the main doors. “It’s just been a long few weeks.”
“Is Henry being a handful?”
I laugh. “When is he not a handful?”
Lydia sighs. “Never. The answer to that is never.”
I eye her. “I’m glad he has you—even if the way he went about it was shady as fuck.”
She meets my gaze, holding it for a few minutes. “Yeah, it’s amazing what finding your person can do for you.”
“It’s like they help wash away all the bad,” I blurt out, instantly regretting my words as Lydia’s expression shifts with curiosity.
“Oh? Do they?” She gives me a grin. “And who is helping you?”
I divert my gaze, feeling my cheeks redden. “No one.”