But then again, she is one of the most talented liars I’ve ever met.

“Yeah, sure,” I say, scheduling an Uber. I’m over not having a fucking vehicle here, but it is what it is. As soon as Cher is safe with Henry, I’ll change that. Once this whole shitstorm comes to a close, I’m taking Cher far, far away from this place—and Henry can keep his Vegas house for himself.


“You’re here!” Lydia bolts upright from the chair as I step through the door, having timed my entrance thirty-five minutes after Cher. If she doesn’t want her brother to know yet, then I’ll go along with it. For now.

“Hey,” I greet Lydia as she wraps me in a hug, and I stiffen in her grip. Cher is sitting with Cash on the couch, patting his head and paying me no mind at all. It grates my nerves, but she looks so fucking cute in her bike shorts and tank top that I can’t stay angry with her. Besides, seeing her with her brother after everything feels surreal.

And the reality that he has no idea what happened to her is almost unbearable.

“How’re you liking Vegas?” Lydia asks as I linger in the living room, my arms folded across my chest.

“It’s fine,” I tell the green eyed, blonde headed woman. “It’s hot.”

She giggles. “Yeah, sounds about right.”

I nod, and she falls silent, returning to sit next to Cher on the couch. I really need to go. I don’t have time to sit around and chat right now. “Well, you all have a grand afternoon.” I give them all a slight smile, and then spin around and head for the door.

“Wait, you’re just showing up for a few seconds and not staying?” Lydia calls after me. “We could all go out tonight. It would be fun.”

I spin around to face her, my eyes jumping to Cher’s, who’s finally looking at me. “I have a lot of shit to do. I took on a side job. You know how those go for me.”

Lydia sighs. “We’ll see you when you emerge from your cave then.”

I tip my head. “Yep.” With that, I head out of the apartment, not turning to look back at any of them. My converse squeak as I come to a halt at the door, ripping it open.

“You sure you can’t stay?” Henry’s voice behind me is startling, and I jump, my shoulders bouncing.

“Sometimes I forget how creepy you can be,” I mutter, shaking my head as the door hangs open in my hand. “But yeah, I’m sure I can’t stay.”

“Is it about earlier?”

“I don’t know, Henry,” I snap, irritation burning in my chest. “You are the biggest asshole I know—maybe a close second to Luca. You punched me in the face, made me move out, and now you want me to come back and hang out? You’re like a toxic girlfriend.”

Henry corrals me into the hallway of the apartment, letting the door close behind him. “I’m sorry.”

“Wow, big apology,” I snort. “It’s fine. I just have shit to get done. Time is of the essence.” And that’s true. I want to find the fucking monster that hurt my girl, and maybe a knife in his throat will silence those voices in her head forever.

“Why are you being so fucking hardheaded?” Henry shoots back at me. “I shouldn’t have overreacted, but I think...” His voice trails off as his jaw sets. “I don’t think Cher is being honest with me.”

No way? You just fucking noticed?

“Oh?” I say instead, opting for the lesser. “And what do you want me to do about it?”

He looks...wounded. “I don’t know. I always thought she told me everything going on in her life—and I know that she’s a grown woman, but it feels monumental.”

Because it is.

I take a deep breath. “Maybe you should ask her about it.”

He nods. “Yeah, maybe so. I have a meeting with the realtor this afternoon, but maybe I can stop by your place afterward?”

“Uh, sure. Just give me a heads up so I can make sure I’m decent.”

Henry chuckles. “You’re so fucking weird.”

I shrug. “Yeah, I know.”