“Fuck,” I slam my fist down on the desk, knowing I can’t let her go unwatched. And now, knowing what I do, my guess is someone overrode my program on her phone. If I could tell Henry, we could work it out together as a team.
But he’d kill me before I got two words in.
I glance down at the screen of my phone, seeing her location moving from her apartment. I know she’s not with Henry now. I could stay here and pick through footage, but then I won’t be right there if she needs help.
And I don’t know who this Liam guy is.
Shoving myself back from my chair, I change clothes, dressing like a dipshit hipster with the flat bill that covers my face. I power down the device and take only my phone. I’m still pissed about the fact she lied to me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ll go to war for her.
And now I see that I’ll have to.
My phone buzzes as I exit into the hallway. I lift it, hoping it’s Cher, but it’s not. It’s Henry. Fuck.
“Yeah?” I answer, touching my bruised nose.
“Where are you?”
“That doesn’t sound like an apology.”
“I have nothing to apologize for,” Henry snaps. “Where are you? Cher thinks you need to go with us to house hunt so you can double check the security cameras.”
“Think I’ll pass.” I need to stay here and figure out who did this to her.
He sighs. “Just come with us.”
“I’d rather not.” I step out into the lobby, and throw an ear bud in my ear, swapping the call to it.
“If she wants you to go, then I want you to go.”
“I might look at her ass,” I snort, never mind the fact I had two fingers in it this morning.
“Don’t fucking test me, Jude. Just come with us. I’m meeting her outside her work when she finishes lunch.”
“Cool, thanks for the update.” I hang up on him. My head is still spinning from what I found out. I want to murder anyone and everyone who ever made my girl feel less than what she is.
I eye the dot moving across the screen, stopping at the same coffee shop and deli that we went to the night I got wasted. Part of me feels sick. Part of me doesn’t even care at this point. She could be fucking ten different men, and I’d still go to hell and back for her.
Before I get there, I slip into a convenience store, buying a pack of cigarettes. I rarely light one up, but I’m not sure I can see her with someone else and not lose my shit. As soon as I’m outside, I pull one out of the pack, light it, and take a draw. The buzz in my head calms me down, and I take my sweet time as I walk the rest of the way to the coffee shop. At first, I pass by the window, calmly eyeing the crowd inside.
It's fucking packed, but I spot Cher in the corner booth, facing away from me. It gives me exactly the angle I need. I put out the cigarette and toss it into the trash can, then slip inside and take a seat one table over with my back to her.
And then I just fucking listen.
“You must be busy,” Cher comments, her voice light and ingenuine. “Anything interesting going on with work?”
The guy laughs. “It’s Vegas. There’s always something interesting, but I took Amelia up to Reno this last weekend. I think you should meet her. The two of you would get along.”
“Oh,” she hums, but I can hear the irritation in her voice. She’s fishing for something else—and who is this guy? It sounds...platonic.
I pull out my phone and start running searches on Liam. After a few painful moments, I find him. A headshot and job title.
Homicide detective.
My mind is all over the fucking place. I’m not fucking crazy, but I feel crazy. What is she doing with a homicide detective? It can’t be by chance. Is she...working undercover?
“Oh shit,” the guy says. “I have to go. It looks like we got another call. I swear, it’s always fucking something. Probably another overdose. Let’s catch up later. It was good to see you.”
“Yeah, you, too,” Cher says flatly. “You’re one of the few friends I have in this town.”