“What? No,” I lie with ease, just like always. “He hasn’t done anything, Henry—and for the record, he’s been really nice to me. He’s a lot more respectful than all your other friends.” For the most part.

“Don’t take up for him.”

“I’m not, but I think you might be overreacting right now. Maybe you should call Lydia and talk it out.” As the words leave my lips, I feel the hair on the back of my neck raise. My breath hitches, and a tingle rolls down my spine.

And my gut screams to run.

I pick up and begin to walk again, glancing over my shoulder. I don’t see anyone suspicious, and I damn sure don’t see Jude. It’s probably just the texts from him.

“I’m not being crazy. I’m just trying to protect you. I told you, Jude is...different. He’s already obsessing over some stupid dark web rumor about someone called the Black Widow.”

My lips part, but I don’t say anything. My stalker’s Jude. It has to be.

My stomach knots up as I take a hard right, turning the corner on the street. My phone vibrates in my ear, and my heart skips a beat. It’s probably Jude.

“Yeah, well, I guess everyone has their obsessions. I’m going out with Sarah though, so I’ll see you when I get home.”

“You’re using me as a dogsitter,” Henry snaps.

“Hey, I’m just taking advantage of the moment,” I laugh, ignoring his attitude. “Have fun.” I hang up and pull the phone from my ear, glancing down at the screen as I weave through mostly drunk bodies.

Unknown: You will be mine.

I roll my eyes. It’s so fucking cliché. I almost text back, but I never get the chance. An iron grip lands on my wrist, dragging me into the darkness of an alleyway. A hand clamps over my mouth, and I struggle against the body behind me. I let out a muffled cry, unable to breathe suddenly.

“Gotcha,” a voice whispers in my ear. A chill runs down my spine, my underwear soaking at the sound of his voice. “You’re too easy.” His grip loosens enough for me to suck in a breath.

“You were closer than I expected,” I murmur, bracing as he tugs me further into the darkness. Jude’s cologne fills my nostrils, and as his erection presses into my ass, my mind is silent.

“I keep an eye on what’s mine,” he grunts as he pushes me against the wall. The cold brick is startling against my damp skin, and my mind flashes to the text.

“I know you’ve been stalking me,” I choke out as a hand slides down to the top of my leggings.

“Do you?” he taunts me. “Do you know that I planned to do everything you asked? To go slow? To take things your speed? It’s such a shame you lost that privilege.”

I squeak as a blast of cool air hits my soaked underwear, my ass now on full display as he tugs my leggings down. I gasp, my pussy aching for something I haven’t ever taken willingly. “Just do it,” I beg as I squeeze my eyes shut. Remove that asshole from my body, Jude. Please. Just fuck me.

“You’re lucky I’m not going to gag you.” He presses me tighter to the wall, and the sound of his zipper coming undone fills the air. “But I’m so fucking desperate to feel your cunt. Especially after your brother decided to break my nose today.”

I suck in a breath as he shoves my underwear to the side, groaning as his fingers spread me open. I brace, terrified of what might happen—and if I’ll panic. The sensation of his cock against me sends my heart pumping. “Fuck me, Jude,” I blurt out, barely hearing myself over the throbbing of my pulse.

“So nervous for a woman with such a mouth,” he growls into my ear.

I bite down on my lip as his hand guides him forward, and his cock presses into me. My walls begin to shake as he fills me entirely, stretching me in a new way—one that’s not familiar. But still, I dig my nails into the mortar at the taste of copper in my mouth. My internal guard explodes inside of me, and Jude fills every corner of my mind and pussy.

“You’re mine,” he rasps, pulling his hips back and then thrusting into me again. “All. Fucking. Mine.” His words fill my head, and not a single demon threatens to come out in defiance. I feel...alive. My pussy clenches around him as his lips suck at my skin, his hips slamming into mine.

An orgasm washes over me, and I cry out, though it’s muffled as Jude clamps his hand over my mouth.

“I don’t want a fucking soul to hear you.”

Tears build, slipping over my bottom lids and down my cheeks as I clench around him. I never thought being so savagely taken would feel so freeing. I think Jude might be a god, sending my demons to cower where they belong. In fucking hell.

He fists my hair, pulling my head back against his chest. “You fucking wanted this.” Jude’s voice is like the melody to the heavy bass of our bodies our thudding against each other. I whimper, unable to vocalize anything as I catch his eye.

And I grow weak in the knees.

He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me to him as he finishes, spilling inside of me. Jude kisses my temple and then releases me, letting me crumple to my knees. “Don’t try to hide from me again. This isn’t how I wanted our first time to go.”