I need more sleep. “Yeah, okay. So we hit him at the next one?”

“Next weekend—and then that Sunday, Lydia will be here.”

“Why not add more people to this fucking house,” I grunt, going back to the computer.

“Well, yeah, but I told Cher I would take her house hunting. She’s got a list of places she’s interested in.” Henry pulls the list up on his phone, and then hands it over to me. “Depending on how things go, you might have to take her. If I miss another shot at Banks, I’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way.”

“The messy way,” I reason, glancing down at the desert paradises on the screen. “These are expensive.”

“And this isn’t?” Henry laughs. “Pretty sure I can swing these way easier than this apartment.”

I clench my jaw, bothered by the way Henry provides everything for Cher—and I don’t even know why I care. Other than the fact I want to be that guy for her. I don’t have the trust fund I was born into anymore, but I carved a path for myself in this shitty world.

I could buy her whatever she wanted.

And suddenly, Henry feels like...Competition.

“I should be able to go with her though,” Henry says, mistaking the reasons behind my irritation. “Not a big deal at all. I know you’ve been exploring Vegas, and,” he pauses, giving me a grin. “I think it’s about time. You spend way too much time alone and lost in the computer.”

“Yeah, probably.” I don’t bother to tell him there’s only one thing I want to explore in this city—and that’s his fucking sister.


Two hours later, Henry finally slips out of the room to head for the gym, taking Cash with him. I jump back from the chair, and rush for the closet. Cher is sitting in the floor, arms folded across her chest.

“Could you not have found a reason to get rid of him hours ago?” she snaps up at me, her eyes shooting daggers.

“Could you have thought twice about climbing into my bed? We’re right on top of your brother. I can’t control what he does—and he’s already suspicious about the way I’m acting.” I offer a hand to help her up, and she reluctantly takes it. “But yeah, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she mumbles as she stands to her feet. Her white T-shirt stops at the top of her black underwear, and my cock is once again reminded of what I’m missing out on. “I have to work tonight.”

“I’ll take you.”

She makes a face. “One, I don’t know how you’d take me, and two, my brother will get suspicious if you start going with me to work.”

I frown. “So does that mean you don’t want me to?”

Cher purses her lips together. “Jeez, you’re clingy.”

“Says the woman who snuck into my bed last night,” I level with her. “Where’s your phone?”


“Go get your phone,” I tell her.

“Uh, okay...” She slips past me, and I let my eyes drop to her ass as she exits my room, entering her own as soon as the front door closes. Her body is the epitome of perfection, and the more I see her, the more I fucking need her. To make matters worse, we’re alone now, and while I’ve never lost my control, it would be so easy.

A few moments later, Cher is back in my room with her phone in her hand, and she’s thrown on a pair of shorts—much to my dismay. “Here,” she holds it out. “I don’t know what this is about.”

“It’s off,” I comment, more to myself than her.

“Yeah, I turned it off.”

“Why?” I demand, seeing something flash across her face. That might have been enough to trip up my app. I just need to make sure it’s enabled.

“Why are you acting like one big red flag right now?” she snaps at me, ripping it back from my hands and powering it on. “Jeez.”

“This city is dangerous, and I just want your location.”