“I’d rather you not creep around my house like a ghost.” I have enough of those, anyway. I scan the area for Cash, and then leave my brother to clean up after my dog. I’m a good citizen, always picking up dog shit and abiding by almost all the laws. In fact, one could argue that I’m doing the world a favor.
This world could stand to have less assholes.
My phone buzzes in my pocket again, and I pull it out this time, reading a text from my supplier.
Shipment is here. If you want your cut, meet me tonight. It’s cut heavy, just like you asked.
I sigh. I don’t need to slink out in the middle of the night. It might draw my brother’s attention. I bite down on my lip.
Me: Can we meet tomorrow?
She immediately replies.
S: Tonight or bust, Black Widow.
“Fuck,” I mutter. Fine.
Chapter Four
The Hound
“I don’t think your sister likes me,” I mention to Henry as I stand to my feet and stretch my arms over my head. I’m fucking dying to get some sleep but got carried away scouring my laptop for information on Jaxton Banks, the asshole in finance.
“She’s just shy,” Henry says as he rubs his eyes. “It takes her a while to warm up to people. By the end of this, she’ll be calling you to check in.”
“Yeah, okay.” I don’t argue with him, but somehow, I don’t think that’ll be the case. In fact, I’m not sure Henry and I are even speaking of the same woman. Cher is much pricklier than Henry seems to think. She’s no fucking sweet little cupcake like I pictured, either. She’s different, and the more I see her, the more I have to ignore her.
And my urges.
Fuck, I’d like to straighten her attitude out.
“Anyway, I’m going to bed.” Henry gives me a half-hearted smile. “It just sucks Lydia is gone.”
“I keep forgetting how clingy you are,” I snort, following him down the hallway.
“Shut the fuck up.” Henry shoots daggers at me and reaches for his bedroom door, opening it and then pausing. “Get me all the intel you can. I’m ready to put boots on the ground.”
Wearily, I nod. “Got it, boss.” Henry shuts the door, leaving me standing alone in the dark hallway, my laptop in one hand. I still haven’t set up the rest of my equipment, and I should—it’s way more efficient than using my laptop.
I sigh and glance at Cher’s room, but there’s no light from under the door. She disappeared as soon as they returned from the pet park. Fuck, I hate that I find her so attractive. I mean, there are a lot of attractive women in the world—and I knew Henry’s sister might be pretty—but I never expected the intrigue to grow once in her presence. I thought it would die off as soon as I met her. But that was also before I realized there’s a lot more to her than Henry thinks. I don’t think he sees her entirely. I bet she has secrets…
But we all have them. And I’d be fucking thrilled to show her mine.
However, that’s a pipe dream–one that I, once again, need to remind myself is out of reach. I give up on it as I step inside my room, the mess of electronics providing the perfect distraction. It’s no big deal for Henry to set up in another place, but for me, it’s a process. An annoying one. I shut the door behind me, let out a groan, and slowly start to unpack.
Two hours later, the only light in the room is that of the monitors firing up on the empty desk I was provided. I rub my fatigued eyes as I rest against my elbows. I zone out at the screens’ blue fuzz, my mind filling with nothing but fatigue and static. And that is when I hear the creak.
I freeze, and immediately, turn the monitors off, though the computer itself continues to fire up. I tune my ear in to listen, hearing footsteps outside of my door. My eyes flicker to my watch.
Three o’clock in the morning. Who’s up?
As the footsteps fade, I silently stand to my feet and make my way to the bedroom door. I crack it open and peer down the hallway, just in time to get a peek of a blonde-headed woman slipping out the front door with a Doberman at her side.
What the hell? What’s she doing?
I slink down the hallway after her and hesitate as I reach the front door. I don’t have a key to get back in.