But this person isn’t an intruder. No. I’ve invited her to use my suite whenever she wants. It seems Candy has cashed in on my offer.
Fuck if it doesn’t make me want to puff out my chest with triumph, minor victory or not. I immediately chastise myself for being happy she’s in my room. This isn’t about me, and it’s wrong of me to think tonight will lead to anything other than a frank discussion around Luca.
Still, my insides dance with elation. If she’s in my space, she’s trusting me—that in itself is a gift, one I will not throw away.
Fighting to keep my emotions in check from breaking through with a smile, I slowly turn to face Candy. She sits on the edge of my bed, pretty as a picture, in a fitted black T-shirt and night shorts. Her hair is loose around her shoulders, lighter with the moonlight filtering in the bedroom window behind her. My eyes trail down her slender, naked legs to her bare feet. Her pink painted toenails taunt me, beckoning me to kiss and suck the little digits into my mouth.
I watch her take all of me in, naked as the day I was born, with my shorts clutched in one fist. Some people would hesitate revealing their nakedness to another for the first time, too embarrassed to bare their body or worried the other person will criticize their flaws. I have no such compunction—I know I look good. Not conceited; just honest.
I may not carry the bulk some of my brothers have, like Atlas, Tank, Reaper, or Brass. But the shredded muscles I have, I’m damn proud of—I work my ass off in the headquarters’ gym each day to achieve this physique. What I got, I want to show off to Candy. I want her to see me in my most natural and vulnerable state, and let her see I’m comfortable being exposed to her.
Perhaps my vulnerability will win me hers.
Candy’s eyes travel the length of me, from top to bottom, and back again. The way her brown eyes dilate to black spheres has my flaccid cock stiffening. She’s affected by me as much as I am by her. There’s something massively reassuring in learning this isn’t one-sided—she wants me like I need her.
Her dainty tongue snakes out of her mouth to trace her bottom lip. I clutch my fists tighter, suppressing a wanton groan. The things I want her to do with that little pink tongue while I’m restrained to the bed…mmm.
Candy’s eyes make their way back to mine, hooded and lust-filled a moment before I see reality fill them, full of concern.
“I heard you went after Luca. Is he…” Candy can’t bring herself to ask, possibly not wanting to get her hopes dashed.
I retrieve the sticky note behind me on the dresser’s mirror and approach her with all the confidence in the world for a naked man. I hold it out for her to see his name has been crossed off.
Her shoulders sag as a heavy sigh leaves her lithe frame. “It’s done.”
“Not yet,” I say, placing the note on the nightstand before looking back at Candy. “It’s not done until all of them are rotting.”
Candy watches me, her face stern. “As much as I want them dead, I didn’t expect how anxious I’d be with you on the hunt.”
Anxious? About me, or Luca’s untimely demise?
If she was worried about me, it’s a game changer.
Curious, I cock my head as I study her. Though my heart picks up speed, I refuse to get overly excited until she reveals more. Knowing better than to push for an answer, I wait silently for her to say more.
“I was sick to my stomach the entire time you were gone.”
“Because you wanted him gone?”
“No. I mean, yes, I wanted him dead. But I was worried about you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you for going after him, all because I asked you to do it.”
Candy was worried about me, worried sick. A warm burst of joy spiderwebs out from the center of my chest, engulfing my body in ecstasy.
She cares. For me. Fucking me.
More valiant after learning she feels something for me, I drop my shorts from my fist and crouch in front of her. I hold her weary gaze as I say, “It’s okay, sweetness. Look.” I hold my arms out for her to take stock of me. “Not a scratch on me. I’m here, and I’m fine—better now with you here with me.”
Cautiously, Candy reaches out with a shaky hand. She runs her fingers through my short hair and around my ear. My arms drop back to my sides as I close my eyes with a deep groan, relishing her gentle touch. Her hand cups my cheek, warm and soft, like I imagine the rest of her body feels like.
I place my hand over hers, not willing to release her yet. Her touch stirs a possessive urge in me to attach myself to her side and never let her out of my sight.
“You did it,” Candy whispers, awe in her voice. “No one has ever followed through with their promises to me before. Only you.”
I open my eyes to find her watching me with a softness in her expression I’ve never seen before. She’s always so guarded, letting no one close.
Yet here she is with me, sharing her vulnerability with me for the second time in weeks. I’m smart enough to realize she’s given me a piece of herself she rarely hands out. Another gift from the woman I crave.
“I will fulfill every promise I make to you, Goddess.”