Page 145 of Kneeling to Candy

Atlas gets a faraway look in his dark eyes, possibly recalling a specific moment with Jo. A wicked smile overtakes his face. “It spices things up.”

Having said his peace to the rest of us, Atlas heads toward our vehicles, stopping when he reaches Tank. He eyes the monster of a man who makes even his hulk-size look small. “And when she cuts me loose…you can imagine how pleasurable the moment is.”

Impressed, Tank rocks back on his heels. “Damn. Say, when are we heading home?”

“Soon.” Atlas chuckles. “Is Eb in for a surprise?”

Tank smirks, following Atlas. “Fuck yeah, she is.”

Chase shakes his head at our brothers before looking back at me and Candy. “You happy?”

My arms constrict around Candy’s waist as I nod. “Very.”

“That’s all that matters. No need to hide anything from the fam. We don’t have fuck all to judge anyone, least of all brothers.”

The last of the federal agents exit the estate before a cleanup crew screws plywood over the doors and windows. An agent approaches Atlas. They exchange a few words before he and Atlas shake hands.

Gauge whistles to get the group’s attention. “Let’s roll.”

“Come on, biker boy,” Candy says, taking my hand in hers. “Time to go home.”

A shaky sigh exits my lungs. Once we’re back home, I’m coming clean and hope she understands why I did what I did. Things will be different between us—for better or worse. Part of me feels the need to give her a heads up.

I tug lightly on Candy’s hand, bringing her to a stop. “Goddess?”

She cocks her head at me. “Yeah, baby?”

Pulling her close, I rest my forehead against hers, absorbing as much of her as I can. It may be the last time she wants me anywhere near her after learning I hid our marriage.

“When we get home, I’d like to talk to you. There’s so much I’m feeling, and a lot I want to share. I’d rather do it where we have some privacy.”

Candy looks up into my eyes with a softness she gives only me. “Okay. After we’ve settled and rested some, we can talk.”

She’s being way too kind to me, kinder than I deserve. I hide my shame with a grimace. The longer we draw this out, the harder it’ll be to come clean.

“I’d rather talk before we do anything else.”

Candy tugs on my hand to get me walking again toward the vehicles. “Rest, then talk,” she says in a firm tone, leaving no room to argue with her.



“Goddess,” Butch grumbles, looking down at me where I scrub his lower half in the shower.

“Don’t argue with me. I’m taking care of you. You’re hurt. I’m fine. Let me wash you.” I don’t mean to sound bossy—it’s in my nature when I want things my way.

Acts of service aren’t my norm, and not something Butch is used to receiving. He’s probably a little uncomfortable with my pampering treatment of him.

Too bad, so sad. My biker went through hell last night protecting me. I’m going to take care of him the way he deserves.

Butch sulks. “I’m healthy enough to return the favor.”

I roll my eyes at him. “You just want to touch me.”

He’s quick to reply. “That, too.”

Unfortunately for my biker, I’ve already scrubbed down. A frown tugs at my lips. I wouldn’t have minded Butch running his hands over me.