“I can get them myself. It’s okay.”
“I will go,” he says, securing his jacket with one button. “It can’t be that hard.”
I lift one brow. “Okay, what kind do I need? What type? Wings? Heavy flow?”
Daniil hesitates and his lips part as he searches for an answer he doesn’t have. I smile, victorious, and take a step away until Fyodor speaks.
“You can both go.”
“I don’t need an escort to buy period products.” I pout slightly. “Besides, it’s private.”
“It’s natural and we don’t care,” Fyodor remarks. “And no one goes anywhere alone. So if you want to go, Daniil goes with you.”
Daniil sticks his tongue out and I roll my eyes. Usually, Fyodor’s protectiveness is sweet but right now it’s just frustrating. I don’t know when I’ll get a chance like this, so I have no choice but to give in.
Daniil accompanies me to the pharmacy, where he pays close attention to the pads that I buy. He claims it’s so he will have the answer the next time and then look like less of an idiot. It brings a smile to my face, so I send him off looking for a cream I know doesn’t exist just so I can sneak the pregnancy test into my order.
Luckily, it’s all paid for by the time he comes back empty-handed and confused. I kiss his cheek and then excuse myself to the pharmacy bathroom to clean myself up. At least, that’s what I tell him.
Once behind a locked door, I open the pregnancy test and pour over the instructions. Then I read them again. I only had enough cash for one test, so I have to make sure I do this right.
Peeing on a stick is oddly more complicated than it should be and after two attempts, I get it right. Then I wash my hands, set a timer and sit with a pounding heart.
What if it’s positive? Will I keep the baby? Should I tell them?
My love for Dariya and the joy I get out of being her nanny assures me that children are something I want in my life, but so much of my life has been planned out for me that this will be the first real choice I make by myself.
Without my mother. Without any rules of expectations. Purely my own choice.
If the test is negative, then I’m off to the doctor to find out where my period has been for the last two months.
“Everything alright?” Daniil knocks lightly on the door. “You’ve been in there a while.”
All that reading was more time-consuming than I realized.
“Cramp,” I call back. “Can you get me some painkillers?”
“You got it.”
As his footsteps fade, my timer jingles to life and I focus on the test. The moment of truth. Taking it from the sink, I close my eyes and turn it over.
Then I open them.
Two blue lines glare up at me like neon bulbs.
My ass lands back on the toilet when my legs give way.
I’m pregnant. Really pregnant.
The nerves twisting in my gut melt into fizzing excitement and a smile creeps across my face. Who is the father? Does it even matter? No…no, it doesn’t. I hope they won’t care either. I’m going to have a baby.
Oh my God, I’m going to be a mother.