“Now you’re just fucking with me.”
Austin cracks up. “I thought you liked this song when we were kids.”
“Screw you,” I reply, and then the song starts, and we’re trying hard to keep up with the lyrics, which are fucking difficult to sing, other than the refrain. Everyone knows the “Jump” song, though, so it could be worse.
Austin really gets into it, and pretty soon, the whole bar is jumping up and down with us as we belt out the song at the top of our lungs.
After the song ends, I throw my arms around him from behind. “Thank you.”
He grips my biceps. “For what?”
“For making it fun, even if it was cringe.”
When we get back to our friends, Austin is still winded from our performance. “I’m gonna grab a water. Want some?”
“No, I’m good. I’m gonna watch Milo and Ian make fools of themselves.”
He wanders off while Kael, Angelica, and I crack over their squeaky lyrics.
When two more acts finish, I realize Austin never returned with his water. Maybe he ran into someone at the bar. Likely Darren and his boyfriend since we saw them when we first arrived. I go on the hunt for him anyway because, suddenly, a mocktail of some sort sounds refreshing.
That’s when I see Austin in the corner, sitting on a stool. He has his phone out on the bar top, and he’s looking down at the screen. He’s so intent on whatever he’s doing that he doesn’t hear me when I call his name and slide in behind him.
I laugh and kiss his head. “Jesus Christ, you’re reading a book in the middle of a bar.”
He seems nonplussed as he glances at me over his shoulder. “Well, since my time has been occupied with being naked the last couple of days, I’ve been neglecting my book. It’s the final chapter, and I’m dying to know what happens.”
“Sorry I bothered you,” I tease, throwing up my hands. “Is the book about a marriage pact?”
“Huh?” When my question dawns on him, he smiles. “No, best friends to lovers.”
“That’s even better.”
“Uh-huh, I need Amanda and Steve to get their happily ever after too.”
My heart skips a beat as our eyes connect and hold.
“I love you,” I mouth to him.
“Love you too,” he mouths back.
I lean over and peck his lips. “Never change, Austin Reid.”
His eyes soften briefly before the book competes for his attention again.
I glance at my reflection in the mirror. “Does this tie look okay?”
It’s the fall semester of our junior year, and this time, Dex and I are sharing a house with Kael and Angelica. I encouraged Dex to remain at Poli House, but he insisted it was better if we lived together.
And I’ll have to agree that we’re good roommates. We’re already familiar with each other’s habits, so watching Kael and Angelica get used to each other for the first time was interesting, as was settling some of their disputes. Not that Dex and I didn’t have any—he’s still as messy as ever—but we’re able to pick our battles with each other way better now.
“You look so handsome, baby,” Dex says, standing behind me. “We should make you wear a suit more often.”
“Hell no,” I reply because it was such a pain in the ass shopping for one. Of course, Mom was happy to take up the task and tag along with me, but I’ve never felt like formal wear makes me look as amazing as it does Dex.