Page 86 of Tongue-Tied



“Gender-neutral restrooms signal to students that all genders are welcome. In fact, calling them all-gender wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Regardless, they would help trans and nonbinary students feel safer. All we want is to have a private place to relieve ourselves on campus. More than one option in key locations would help as well,” Kael says, and I’m grateful he decided to add his voice to the student government discussion. Hopefully, the university will be able to accommodate the request to add more locations.

After the meeting, we walk out together, and I’ll admit there’s been a spring in my step the past few days. A renewed sense of purpose and a quiet contentment I’ve felt dead center in my gut since the night spent with Austin.

Maybe Austin’s right. Maybe I can make room in my life for somebody I care about. If I give it a chance. Maybe it won’t be a disaster waiting to happen. What does it mean that I want it to be Austin?

Despite feeling on a high, there’s a gnawing in my stomach that Austin losing his virginity might’ve been our finale, but what a finale it was. Not something I’ll forget for a long time. It was more than just a casual hookup for me. It was intense and intimate and emotional too.

All the stuff I’ve wanted to avoid but couldn’t when it came to him.

As it stands now, we haven’t had any further discussions about our former or future dates. Just lots of smiles and, frankly, some heated looks.

There’s also an underlying tension between us that is likely all one-sided on my part. I have the urge to blurt out that I think I might be in love with him. No, I definitely am. But I keep thinking about our conversation the following morning when Austin said I have so much to offer somebody, without including himself.

“Thanks again for inviting me,” Kael says.

“So glad I did. You were great.”

“I can see why you like being involved in that stuff. Especially if it helps change perspective and policy.”

I smile. “Exactly. It makes it worthwhile.”

He nods. “So…everything else cool?”

My gaze snaps to his. “Why do you ask?”

He hitches a shoulder. “Something seems different about you.”

“Such as…?”

“You seem…lighter. Not that you aren’t a happy person—you are—and you’re always willing to lend a helping hand. You’re outgoing and charitable, but this seems deeper.” He waves a hand. “Not that I know you that well. Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Wait. You’re right,” I reply, a bit of that tension rolling off my shoulders. “Is…Austin acting different too?”

“Definitely, especially after…” He gives me a meaningful look.

“Austin told you about the other night? What happened between us?”

“Not exactly.” He glances away. “He said he lost his virginity to a hot guy, so I can only assume it’s you.”

I rub a hand down my face. “God, I’m a mess.”

His eyebrows draw together. “What does that mean?”

“These dates we’ve been going on? I think I’ve gone and caught feelings.”

Fuck, it feels good to get it out there. To someone who knows Austin well.

“I knew it.” He grins. “We told you guys you’d be good together.”


“Milo and I.”

I glance over his shoulder as if Milo will suddenly appear. “Why does it seem like you two are conspiring?”